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any mechanics in the house?


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Been having some issues with my jeep the last couple days...

Been running rough, and stalling at stop signs. Today it stalled as I was pulling in the drive and wouldn't start back up. Wouldn't crank, just a click....Dead battery.

When my wife got home I hooked the cables to it, it took a while to get it to turn over and when it did, it stalled out again right away, even with the cables still hooked up. I cleaned the terminals and cables and tried it again. It helped for a few minutes, but it stalled again and required another jump to start again.
I pulled the battery and alternator and took them to the local parts store to be tested. The battery was shot, but they said the alternator was ok. I have a hard time believing this. I bought another battery, and will put the old alternator back in tomorrow. if this doesn't fix the problem, what else could cause a battery to die and the car to stall other than the alternator?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Batteries can take a dump and it just bad cells, doesn't always have too be an alternator issue....... Have driven the truck and shut it off only too come out a couple of hours later and the batteries dead.....

Put it in, give it a try and see what happens..... Start it with the new battery, turn on all the lights and accessories and see where the alt gage reads (if you have a gauge and not a light that is) Give it gas and rev it too between 2-3K and keep an eye on the lights/gauge and see what it does.... Should keep showing a charge with no discharge in any range leading up too the 3K..... I've seen alternators charging at idle and up too 3K RPM but drop off above it.... Strange but true.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
As to the rough running, possibly a dirty fuel filter. On the Cherokee's, mine was found in the area of the rear drivers side 1/4 panel just past the gas tank.
(At least on one occasion, that was the problem.)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Battery could have been weak and the long cranks to start it might have done it in. Is it possible something else is causing it to die? Plugged catalytic convertor? Fuel filter like CJD said? EGR valve? Any trouble lights on? I mean, if it gave a low voltage warning when it was dying, then I would not go chasing other issues. Just some thoughts in general why it could be dying.
I'm going with the dead battery theory. The battery runs the computer and the computer runs the engine. No battery, no computer, no engine.

It wouldn't hurt to check the fuel filter too. Unless it's inside the gas tank...then that's your call. I wouldn't touch it.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
In theory when the engine starts the battery should be out of the picture for powering up everything but still in my thought process if the battery is toast that will max out the alt and things can go awry.... So I'm sticking with my battery is toast and that caused the engine stalling issue lol.... Until you prove me wrong that is lol....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm going with battery too. Every time I've had a vehicle with battery or alternator issues, it sputtered and stalled. I'm going with same line of thinking as 57.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Thanks for the input fellas, I'll be putting the new battery in shortly. See what happens after that. I appre iate you guys giving me some ideas of what to look at if there are still issues.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
97 grand cherokee. Sea foam?

So inline 4.0? If yes, take off the intake tube to top of throttle body. Check out the condition of the butterfly valve. If real bad, disassemble and clean.

If somewhat dirty, and I recommend anyways, is to slowly drip the sea foam right into the TB. If you read the can, they recommend a vacuum hose and stalling out the engine but I worry about bending a valve or something by almost hydro locking it. Dump it to where she gurgles, spits, spudded, and stumbles then just shut her off. Let her sit 15mins and fire back up - do so outside :smiley_clap: also recommended to clear large swarms of Mosquitos in the summer.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
That be a Grand Cherokee then brother man.

Yeah, thats what I said. Lol.

New battery is in. Its running, all the lights, interior dome, radio.... all on. Reved it to 3 -- 3.5 k gauge didn't budge. Leave it run for a bit and take it for a spin to see what it does.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Yeah, thats what I said. Lol.

New battery is in. Its running, all the lights, interior dome, radio.... all on. Reved it to 3 -- 3.5 k gauge didn't budge. Leave it run for a bit and take it for a spin to see what it does.

LOL, man missed that completely, sorry! So far sounds good on the fix, hope it was just the battery!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Drove it around town for a bit, came home and shut it off, left it sit for a few and it started right back up. Looks good so far.

"J"... That link sold me, I'll be grabbing a can of that stuff for sure.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Drove it around town for a bit, came home and shut it off, left it sit for a few and it started right back up. Looks good so far.

"J"... That link sold me, I'll be grabbing a can of that stuff for sure.

Dave, I use it on all my stuff..... Both 2 and 4 stroke..... Quads, weed whacker lawn mower...... Cleans them up and keeps them running good...... Lots of other brands but I'm sold on the Sea Foam...... I really need too but it in the gallon containers lol..... Like Adam said you have too be careful using it in the vacuum lines but man it smokes like a freight train when you do..... rotflmao