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Anyone have any chestnut trees?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Thinking about buying a couple Dunstan chestnut trees for my honey hole. I've heard deer prefer them 100/1 over acorns.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Do a search Chad. Milo has posted on these before I believe. As I recall, he was a huge fan.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Well, after some online research, I pulled the trigger on 4 Dunstan chestnuts. This is a long term investment that I think will pay off big time with the whitetails. It has been my goal the last few years to do something that will improve the areas I hunt, I have high hopes for this one! They say that these trees will start producing after 3-5 years. If I am the only one with chestnut trees (and I'm pretty sure I will be) deer will be drawn in from places that I couldn't get to them before, mainly the 269 acre farm to the south that don't allow huntin:D:D:D:D


Tatonka guide.
I have 3 and mine were potted 4 to 5 footers and they are doing very well. They produced inn year 3 for me. You may need to monitor yours as they grow. In year one I had and any problem and they were eating the leaves so I had to spray them. Be careful with sprays and such as they can kill the pollinators you need for nut production. I also s
Have some American chestnuts that are blight resistant that I am growing. In year one don't expect much but be sure to water the heck out of them. I would also tell you a bag of mulch per tree.


Junior Member
I have a Chinese Chestnut in my back yard that has produced some serious mass crop the last 2 years. 2 years ago I collected 30 nuts and grew 22 of them to knee high saplings last fall. I planted 10 of them and moved 12 to my wifes high school green house. They are still there growing and doing well.

This past fall I collected a full 5 gallon bucket full of chestnuts. I have probably 100-200 nuts in my refrigerator and I'm waiting for them to sprout a tap root. From there I will move them to containers and start the process again. I hope to have another 20-50 trees this year knee high.

Growing trees is a real pain in the ass. The deer simply destroy them and it cost a lot of time and money to fence them. But I'll keep trying. I have enough nuts that if anyone wants some they are welcome to them. I live in Bremen Ohio or I could possibly mail some. The ones in my bucket in the garage may have dried out. You are supposed to keep them in a bag with wet saw dust.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Interesting. I spent $122 on four trees with shipping so I'll be fencing them in. What kind of deer activity have you guys noticed with your chestnuts?
I have a bunch of different chestnut trees where i hunt. I usually grab a handful and whittle away at them while in stand. They taste great but you have to work for it


Junior Member
Interesting. I spent $122 on four trees with shipping so I'll be fencing them in. What kind of deer activity have you guys noticed with your chestnuts?

122$ WOW! How big are these tree's? 2 year old I'm guessing?

I bought my farm in 2011. I didn't realize what kind of tree I had in my back yard until one October evening after shooting my bow I walked back inside the house and not 5 minutes later looked out the window and 8 does/fawns were eating the Chestnuts not 20 yards from my block target. Those deer proceeded to be there every night until the Chesnuts were gone. I hung a camera on the tree to see if any bucks were coming in at night but no dice. But THEY LOVE THEM

If anyone lives in Columbus, the Anderson's store on Brice Road has 2 or 3 Red Horse Chestnuts in the parking lot behind the store. They produce a ton of nuts every year. Besides being very tasty to deer, they are a beautiful ornamental tree.

Few more pics

This is the chesntnut tree in my yard


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Chad, there is a chestnut farm on Empire Road about 6 miles SW of the square in Carrollton. I can't remember the name of it, may be Empire Chestnuts. You may want to see if you can buy trees there. He has a lot of saplings and full grown trees there.

I saw that nursery online. I plan on making a trip there when its time to plant. I heard a lot of good things about the Dunstan chestnut and I could only find them at chestnut hill.