I've been doing a lot of testing and thought this year at longer distances, 60 plus yards, and I have found a couple winners my my setup at 65 yards. The number one spot was the muzzy trocar, was able to put all 3 of these in a sticky note at 60 yards consistently. But due to the small cutting diameter 1 3/16, I was still on the hunt for something better. Along came the Wac Em' 3 blade XL. Those flew at a 4 1/2 inch group consistently at 60 yards and have a 1 1/4 cut. The grouping was a bit bigger but the extra cutting size made me think twice before throwing it into the graveyard of broadheads. Then I shot some DRT 100g at 60 yards and managed to put all 3 on the sticky note at 60 yards consistently. They have a 1 13/16's total cutting which was a nice factor and I'm able to resharpen them with ease. I still want to try out the Muzzy HB, and maybe the Rage Trypan or NAP killzone but there is something about mechanical heads that just make me hesitant. Either way as of right now the DRT's will be my primary broadheads of choice, then the Muzzy Trocars, then the Wac Em's. I know 60 yards is a bit overkill for a 30 yard max shot and a lot of error can come into play at that yardage, but if they fly consistently good at that distance for me, my mind will be at ease when taking a 30 or 20 yard shot that it's just up to me to make a good shot and my broadhead won't deviate from where I'm aiming at that close of a distance.