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AR build


Junior Member
Medina, OH
I am wanting to build my first AR. I currently do not own a ar, but would prefer to build one rather than buy one. I have read you can get better quality parts for about the same price as a complete gun. I also can buy parts and not drop a whole bunch of money all at once or on credit.

I am looking for opinions on what are some good parts, ie lower, upper, trigger, barrel. I want to chamber it 5.56.

What's some opinions?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I am wanting to build my first AR. I currently do not own a ar, but would prefer to build one rather than buy one. I have read you can get better quality parts for about the same price as a complete gun. I also can buy parts and not drop a whole bunch of money all at once or on credit.

I am looking for opinions on what are some good parts, ie lower, upper, trigger, barrel. I want to chamber it 5.56.

What's some opinions?

A build has been discussed in the past on TOO.
My take on shooting built up AR's for 20 yrs. Most major parts are only made by couple manufacturers.

The upper only services the purpose of holding the barrel onto the rifle so it doesn't fall off.
The lower only purpose is to hold the trigger and magazine in place.

A must have is a free floating forearm. Buy the best barrel with the correct twist for the weight of bullet you want to shoot. And buy the best 2 stage match trigger you can afford.

A correctly built up AR will out shoot almost any factory complete rifle offered.


Some may aurge this but that's the way it is in my mind.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Here is a good write up on the different components of an AR15 and why (or why not) certain features or coatings or types of metal may or may not be important to you.

You can definitely build a quality rifle for comparable money as to what you can buy one for. This also includes your time and effort into the equation. It also allows you to personalize it every step of the way and not buy something and then immediately change multiple things to "your way".

As to where to go it all depends on what you want to do with it. Looking for uber zombie killer deluxe? or a more dedicated precision groundhog and coyote exterminator?

Good luck, they are a lot of fun to shoot.

To add to one think MK111 stated. Geiselle triggers are about as good as they get for a 2 stage trigger. Though I warn you, once you shoot one you may not be satisfied with others and they aren't cheap.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good article on barrel twist VS bullet weight.
2 stage trigger search good place to look and start.

Good trigger review. But remember you get what you pay for. Expensive and get the best- cheap and just cheap.https://www.ar15.com/forums/t_3_12/...he_and_34_BESTand_34__trigger_for_you___.html

Had major problems with Jard triggers. But it's been 5-7 years ago.

15 yrs. or so ago the best trigger available was the Milazzo trigger. It was and still the best of the best. Of all the family AR 15's and AR 10"s rifles the majority have Milazzo triggers. That's about 12 rifles between us. We are just a bunch of crazy PD shooters in SD & WY.
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Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I am wanting to build my first AR. I currently do not own a ar, but would prefer to build one rather than buy one. I have read you can get better quality parts for about the same price as a complete gun. I also can buy parts and not drop a whole bunch of money all at once or on credit.

I am looking for opinions on what are some good parts, ie lower, upper, trigger, barrel. I want to chamber it 5.56.

What's some opinions?

Some really good reads over in the Gun Section:





Junior Member
Medina, OH
I had not thought of the details of putting it together yet. I have 1 buddy who builds them regularly and thought about asking him to work with me assembling it. That way I can have someone there letting me know the mistakes I am making.