They are just fine. Many companies make a slick side now because they forward assist and dust cover are rarely needed/used. With ultra lightweight builds they are preferred.
SPORTS? is this an acronym for something i'm not aware of? or?
SPORTS is the acronym for clearing a malfuntion in the M-16/M-4/AR-15 ect.
Slap-slap the forward assist
Pull-pull charging handle to the rear
Observe-Observe the chamber
Release-release the charging handle
Tap-tap the bottom of the magizen
Shoot-shoot the enemy.
SPORTS is being replaced with RTR in the US military.
R-Roll the rifle out of your shoulder so the chamber is toward the ground.
T-Tap the magazine.
R-Rack the charging handle.
My understanding is the original design was made that way.
I picked one up on the cheap with a handful of 30 round mags and ammo. Think I'll keep it for my son.
Yes, they were added because they were jamming horribly in Vietnam. The problem ended up mostly being the powder used and unfamiliarity of that style of weapon. First year weapon woes...
No other military style rifle has a dust cover. Sure jam some grit in any action and it can/will lock up. Easy fix. TRB
203 has to be fun....thoooooomp.................................boom! I would love to shoot a 249 also.
Open bolts feel weird. I had a hard time being accurate with the two I shot.
Getting crazy in Korea again...they must be needing money.