Bingo...I may prefer one brand over another,but many of the folks on here agree limb driven is the way to go.I would actually take a whisker biscuit over many of the cable driven rest..Just my opinion though.
I have a QAD Ultra and it is a great rest however, if I had the chance to do it all over again I would spend the extra money and go with a limb driver rest.
I just asked this the other day...I had qad dropaway for years I cannot talk bad about it honestly it was great..but the faster these new bows get the harder it is for these rests to keep up...the LD is definitely the right that I just picked one up I can see personally the design is flawless and i wouldn't be suprised to see qad eventualy changing to this design as well..but again everyones different you are the only one who shoots your hunting bud