For those who process their own deer, this one is outstanding. We cut 12 pounds of deer into small cubes. We use fairly lean vennison for this. Then a 6 pound box of bacon is cut into small pieces also. (We use 6# box as our local grocery sells it for 11.99) Mix both meats well and make sure you have an even mix. The smaller pieces will help greatly with the mixing. Then run throught the grinder together twice. We then use an ice cream scoop to make the correct size individual amounts. (GFS sells many different size scoops). We bought one of the cast iron patty presses and adjusted it to fit our amounts which is just shy of 1/4 pound burger. Double sided wax paper (or any waxed paper) can be placed on the patty press, then a scoop of your mix and then another piece of paper goes on top just before pressing. This will keep your patty press cleaner and burgers come apart better after freezing. This particular batch will yield right around 74 burgers. One thing we noticed is to turn them often on grill or in a pan as the bacon can scorch a little faster than normal burgers......Everyone who has tried these want more! And this one will make the "Non-Vennison" people change their mind if you can just get them to try it! I now know of 5 people who turned their nose up at Vennison and now they eat it due to these burgers. You do not have to try it with 12 pounds at first.....Main thing is a 1 part bacon to 2 parts deer. And there is no more of the bacon sliding off the burger on the first bite! Plus the wife will love you as they are so easy to prepare....pop them apart with a butter knife and straight to the pan........Those who try this: Let me know what you think? My guess is you'll do it again for sure!