I have a Toyota truck that I am trying to keep the undercarriage from rusting anymore that what it is. I spray wd-40 on it when I remember to. Does anyone else know of something better, that will cling and stay on longer? Thanks.
I'd say just wait till spring, grind down what rust you have and repaint over the whole thing. I'd stay away from the rhino liners. That's the only thing I know to do.
The rust will always come back. Chassis saver is some good stuff it can be brushed or sprayed. Clean frame good spray rust killer on it let it dry then put chassis saver on it.
I have used a garage door product that they use to spray the rails with. Its kind of like a spray grease that goes on thick. I would do it every fall just to have something on it for the winter salt. It just had a generic name called spray lube.
Fluid film, there is a guy up here that undercoats with it. I wanted to do my new truck before the snow hit but ran out of time. I will do it next year for sure