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bigtens 2014 turkey season


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
well this morning i woke up went outside too start my truck for work and i had 3 birds going crazy acrossed the street. this is the first birds ive heard this year gobbling so it got me pumped and made me even more excited about this weekend. i havent given it too much thought till now but this weekend im gonna be in tennesse for there opener. ive got some good friends down there that have some good spots for birds. i killed my first time down there within the first hour, but last year was a bust for us we didnt do good at all. ill be leaving friday after work then coming back home sunday night then go back down the following weekend the drivivng is gonna suck. but being with good friends and being in the woods makes it worth it. there saying the birds are all over the place this year and they have seen more latley than years passed so i got high hopes too start the season off right. this pic my buddy took from his front porch yesterday.


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*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
well i killed my first bird with a bow over the weekend in Tennessee, we left friday, we got too my buddys place around 7, he was out roosting birds so we loaded up and went a crossed the road from his palce and tried too roost some we didnt hear or see any. he got back and said the same so we decided to try a spot he just picked up that day we never stepped foot on it til 6 o'clock that next morning we just went in and got up where the land owner says he sees them. when they started to gobble we realized they were on the other side of the farm so we started our way over we got within 300 yards and i could see the strutter but he wasnt gonna leave the hens we sat there for about an hour and sure enough from the next farm over three shots rang out. shortly after that we went back too the truck looked back up the mountain and could see 9 birds where we started fist thing that morning they all ended up being hens but at least we were seeing them.the rest of the day it rained hard but we stuck it out bouncing around from place too place with no luck. so sunday morning rolls around and we decide to go hunt the farm we hunted last year. within the first 40 minutes we could hear three birds so we got in our spot another 30 minutes goes by and we see them coming down the ridge. 10 hens and one jake. the toms never showed up. my buddy was gonna shoot the jake but when they were about 80 yards from us a guy behind us at his house opens up a 22 5 0r 6 shots and they bust back up the mountain. so we leave and go too another place as we pull in we see 2 birds strutting down by the river on another property so we think this spot will be a bust. this time we drive up into the woods because theres a lane up the mountain we get out of the truck i grabbed my bow and walked one way too pee my buddy went the other and started calling down in the valley just before i stated to pee i seen a head poke up coming up the hill i jumped behind the tree and drew my bow he stepped out and i drilled him at about 30 yards. then the race was on too get him before he got off the mountain neither one of the guys i was with knew what the hell happened till they seen me running. once i got too the bird i realized i never even buttoned or zipped my pants up i never had time. all the miles of climbing those mountains and hunting in the rain payed off, it will definitely be a hunt we will remember. he weighed 22 pounds 10 and 1/4 inch beard and a little better than 3/4 inch spurs. im heading back down this weekend too pick up my buddy that stayed down there and hopefully get another one.


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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
A great way to start the season. We have to wait another 3 weeks or so.