I dont like the use of the word depression or even going underground. I think the bucks become less visible and harder to see because they move off the field edges and into the timber.....mainly on acorns and where they have trees to scrape. This goes from velvet off till first part of October. In fact, I know a lot of bucks even remain in a 2 or 3 deer bachelor groups well into the first week of October. Ive seen it personally and on a Kisky video once.
As for right now.....I do think that the bucks are roaming more than early summer and they are feeling out the rutting areas and learning the landscape/food sources/doe groups.
This might be true for some of the younger bucks that have not been around long enough to know the full range and have been staying in their born into range for the last 2 years but what about the older bucks? Those older bucks have been around and have had a few ruts under their belts and roamed a wide range. Why would those bucks venture far out of their comfort zone?
I think as the velvet starts to peel the bucks go into some of the thicker areas of their range and shrink the extra travel to food,water, and bed. You also have to remember when they have velvet the flies and mosquito have to be annoying as hell. All that blood in/under that velvet and as sensitive as that tissue is the bucks are in more of an open range style of movement to stay out of the darker wetter timber to keep away from those blood suckers as well as bumping those softer velvet antlers. As the blood dries up and antlers start to harden they can get back into the thicker cover movement. They don't have to take the detours anymore to get to their favorite brows,water holes, and such. They can just make a beeline and be done lol. They can also stay in one spot a little longer since they don't have to keep moving to keep the blood suckers from getting to the velvet. I always wonder if deer get anemic during spring and summer getting eaten alive from the bugs.
As far as new bucks showing up. I wonder how much of that is do to the fact humans are more active in the woods during the summer months. Clearing deadfalls and cutting trees and just all around spending more time running around outside. The deer make detours and end up on properties they normally don't and may spend a few extra days to make it back to their home area. It's not like they have to work, pay bills, or house work, and have to be back home for anything in a hurry lol.
As far as getting velvet shedding bucks on cam, I have no pics of this but maybe someday lol.