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Comments/Reviews on Electronic Callers?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Need some help boyz - wanna get me an electronic gamecall with the gift certs for Basspro I got for Christmas. Interested in coyotes and crows.

I'm looking pretty hard at the Foxpro Spitfire, wondered if anyone here had any experience with it.

The $50 range handheld calls with cards and such look kinda cheap...anybody had any success with any of those?

Also, if anybody's got a recommendation on a good instructional DVD/video for yote hunting, I'm all ears.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
A buddy of mine bought the Foxpro Fury last year. We hunted with it only a few times, but it was definitely an awesome piece of equipment. If money was not a factor, that'd be the one that I'd buy.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The small $50 handheld ones? I have a couple you can try out. They are okay, but I think you would do better to buy some mouth calls and practice. I have a Foxpro which I think is called the FX4. Need to look at it again to see, but I think that is the model. Crank it up and it can be heard a long way off. Not always necessary and not how to go about starting a set, but it can be done.

Instructional videos? Hmmm. been working on finding one for awhile. I have some Randy Anderson videos and they are about as close as you will get, but not truly "instructional." He tells you what he is doing, but it isn't like "Coyote hunting for Dummies". www.predatormasters.com is a good site to go consume the rest of your week. Get on there and you will find enough information to give you another 50 questions. First time I was on that site, I wasted a good 3-4hrs and was sucked back in the next day. Lots of info there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was into the predator masters website a couple years ago. Outstanding info on there. What else is cool is there is a forum just for eastern hunters. Lots of Ohio guys on there giving tips. Big difference hunting them here vs out west.

I've always wanted a foxpro. If you get it let me know how it goes.


Junior Member
I had a fox Pro years ago. It had 16 sounds and the remote. I didn't like it, had problems with the remote. I sold it to a friend before I treid to have it fixed. I told him about the problems.

This is the one I want to get. http://www.mogamecalls.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=3

But before I spend the money I have to start getting out there and hunting again. I will use mouth calls and see how it goes for a while.


Junior Member
SE Ohio
Need some help boyz - wanna get me an electronic gamecall with the gift certs for Basspro I got for Christmas. Interested in coyotes and crows.

I'm looking pretty hard at the Foxpro Spitfire, wondered if anyone here had any experience with it.

The $50 range handheld calls with cards and such look kinda cheap...anybody had any success with any of those?

Also, if anybody's got a recommendation on a good instructional DVD/video for yote hunting, I'm all ears.

I just posted on the "other" site asking to compare the Foxpro Spitfire to the Johnny Stewart PreyMaster and the Primos Power Dogg. My Budget is about $200.00.


Junior Member
SE Ohio
Went to Cabela's tonight to get a Foxpro Spitfire. They were all sold out. Clerk said between Sat and today they sold the 13 in the store and the demo model. I got 95 Cabela points to knock the price down. So I did the next best thing and got the Foxpro Scorpion for $349.00, minus that 95 bucks. Clerk did a demo for me, very inpressive. Has 50 sounds in it and over 300 more to download from the website library for free.

Hopefully tomorrow morn I can break it in.

Wife said that's it for Valentine's Day! No prob honey!:pickle:


Junior Member
SE Ohio
I went out with the Scorpion late yesterday afternoon till dark. Nothing came in but a few dickey birds. Sound and volume were great, remote worked just fine. I like it!


Junior Member
SE Ohio
Oh, absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just gotta wait till Friday as to not educate them. Just might try behind the house tomorrow for effect where there will not be a lot of shooting anyway. Maybe a bit of tree top sniping.:smiley_chinrub:

I see March 13 is the cut off date. Will have to do my damage by then.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Fred plenty of time to knock the chit out of them...... I'm really wanting too get out and give some pay back for all the BS I've been putting up with with them lol.....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm game.... just not retired....... yet lol.... but working on it lol....if I come down to see mikes dogs we'll hook up and do some kind of hunting lol.... bunnies, crows its all good lol.....


Senior Member
My house is on a winter roost evening flight path.. can't find and fields to hunt them in. Sucks...

sent from my HTC evo