I've got a hen and sometimes several hens and a couple of toms, that will stop by this area of open bean stubble field (recently planted with corn) and dust themselves. They're flopping around like a carp on the beach and making quite the dust cloud. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to set a couple of hen decoys (one sitting on the ground and one standing by) out there and put my ground blind at the edge of the woods. They've been showing up around 8 a.m. and later in the afternoon around 7 p.m.
* What's your experience with a "dusting area" for turkeys?
* Are they like a buck's scrape, as far as returning to it most days?
* Have you ever set up on one and waited for the turkeys to show up?
Thank you, Bowhunter57
* What's your experience with a "dusting area" for turkeys?
* Are they like a buck's scrape, as far as returning to it most days?
* Have you ever set up on one and waited for the turkeys to show up?
Thank you, Bowhunter57