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Active Member
So when I bought the new place last year it had a 30 foot above ground pool. Owner didn't do anything with it for a few years. I decided to give it a go for the kids. After extensive chemicals which are through the roof , alot of deck work and parts for the pump I got it going about $2000 later. Last year I bought a new winter cover for it. Fast forward to today me and my cousin were drinking a beer and heard a ripping sound. Sure as shit the cover started splitting in the middle and next thing you know the pool pillow came shooting out of it now all that wonderful brown water full of water bugs leaves and whatever that was on top of the cover is going on the pool. Do I have a chance of draining what's left on the cover and then filtering the shit out of the pool water with a bunch of chemicals? If it stains the liner and makes the water unsavable I'm not wasting time on it I'll just cut it down to 4 foot or so and make it a big ass koi pond or throw it in a dumpster. What say you guys that have had this happen? Shock the hell out of it after skimming what I can out and filtering or just have a company pump it out and then cut it up and throw it out??? Thanks brothers

Big Weff

Junior Member
Our pool is always green when we open it, we don’t really get much for solids in it aside from earth worms but we have one of the covers that stretches really tight for child safety. We just shock it and add algaeblast. After the algae falls to the bottom I sweep it and then let the filter pick up the rest. Once I verify my ph and all that just chlorine tabs to taste the rest of the summer. Good luck 🤘🏻


Active Member
After uncovering it the first time after the previous guy didn't touch it for three years I got away with a bunch of shock and three days it was crystal clear. I'm just worried this time with all the stuff that was on top of that cover leaching in. As soon as I get most of it pumped off the top I'm gonna hit it hard with shock and see what happens! Thanks fellas
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Big Weff

Junior Member
Google saltwater pool…. You’re welcome
Ours is a saltwater pool and we still have to do the song and dance every year to open 😂. Saves a little bit on chlorine and the wife likes it for her skin. Also tastes like the ocean if you accidentally get a little swallow. Can’t imagine the running cost is too much lower than a standard chemical pool though. Just my 2 cents.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Ours is a saltwater pool and we still have to do the song and dance every year to open 😂. Saves a little bit on chlorine and the wife likes it for her skin. Also tastes like the ocean if you accidentally get a little swallow. Can’t imagine the running cost is too much lower than a standard chemical pool though. Just my 2 cents.
Much better then breathing chlorine. Especially if you have any breathing issues.

Big Weff

Junior Member
Much better then breathing chlorine. Especially if you have any breathing issues.
I gotcha, I guess I was just thinking from an opening and operating stand point. I think I might need to replace my ionizer or what ever the frig it’s called that converts the salt because I still have to add a few chlorine tabs throughout the season or the water clarity starts to go to crap. I also have 2 young boys dragging and throwing god knows what into the thing so who knows. 🤷‍♂️
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