In the Show us your Wood Pile thread there are many references of felling trees and also deaths while doing so, Brock, Jesse and others. Many of us head out and fell plenty of trees but without full knowledge of the 'how'. Hopefully this first video, showing and explaining the best examples of cuts and techniques for getting them to go down in a safe direction will help some folks. I saw this video two years ago, I had been feeling trees for 45 years but learned so much from it. You might incorporate many of the cuts they demonstrate depending on circumstance for you and your teams safety.
A couple secondaries in this is the High Performing Team traits they demonstrate in a risk rich environment, video editing is top notch. Also the bowline on a bite knot for high tension with loop that comes apart afterwards easily.
A great tribute to one of the young men in the above video that was killed, felling a tree in Jan of this year.
Let's be careful out there.
A couple secondaries in this is the High Performing Team traits they demonstrate in a risk rich environment, video editing is top notch. Also the bowline on a bite knot for high tension with loop that comes apart afterwards easily.
A great tribute to one of the young men in the above video that was killed, felling a tree in Jan of this year.
Let's be careful out there.