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Firearm long term storage


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
The obvious is to make sure a complete break down and clean parts. Oil, I prefer a gun sock as well. Then add something to the safe to take any humidity out of the air. This is extremely important if the safe lives in a basement or garage.

This was just the first link that popped up on the search for dehumidifier for safes search.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I've often wondered this myself for longer term storage of what would be considered heirlooms or collector pieces. I have a couple that I'd really like to protect for longer term storage.


I have had to store many firearms long term, at times not so well climatically and have found Hoppe's gun grease to work well for decades. Not sure if it is the same as it has always been (stuff I use is a clear amber tinted "paste"/thick gel), in the all orange tube that I have. I'll also treat my reloading dies and exposed steel parts of my presses with Lee Liquid ALOX. Dries to slightly tacky finish, and holds up very well. ALOX is a popular ingredient in many anti-rust/anti-corrosion compounds, and just so happens to make a great bullet lube too. Good luck.