Thanks boys, and girl. Don't get many opportunities to kill one at 8 yards from the ground. Can't kill a hammer right off the bat, that'll just spoil me haha. Good way to end the season, even if the final 3 weeks of archery in NJ are a busy
Congrats man! I know you meant to say bust too lol. Whereabouts in NJ are you from. Where I used to call home. Should be finding out this week if I'll be calling it home again, shortly...
You're not far from my stomping grounds then. Bet you hunt in or around 48... That's where I did all my hunting growing up. I'm very familiar with Cherry Hill, Moorestown, etc.
Yes sir. Always some good ones taken in 48. I hunt 19, 25, and 65 mostly. Last sit tonight, hoping my old man gets to see/shoot something. 2 hours to go
Yep, we've killed a few nice one's out of 48 and always laid eyes on something 120 or better either hunting or out spotting the fields at night. I killed a skack rack 8pt back in 2002 that dressed at 190. Some 48 deer.... The 190 is the one hanging. The other was a mature 6pt, 148 dressed.