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Going traditional


*Supporting Member*
Gordo, I'm in the same boat as you. I've been shooting my recurve since this spring and love it. I'm not totally new to them as I have owned a few since my early teens. Through the years I have shots hundreds of fish and a few rabbits with recurves. My big game hunts so far have included one turkey hunt which I didn't get a shot, and one deer hunt which I missed a four point. I'll be toting a recurve with me this weekend at Hoyt's place for my second deer hunt of the year.


Senior Member
Athens County
Good luck to ya man!

Its alot of fun shooting them, thats for sure.

Im going to keep shooting and hope to whack a couple does by the end of the year. Havent had one come in close enough yet for a chip shot on the 3 hunts ive takin it out.

Its only a matter of time!


Senior Member
Athens County
Quick question:

Im assuming moving the knock point up and down will adjust point of impact.

Does anyone do this? Or do you always keep it perfectly square?

Just curious


Tatonka guide.
it will not have a huge effect as you should not be moving it all that much. I'm usually and 1/8 high at brace give or take


Senior Member
Athens County
Thanks buddy.

Sorry never got back to you on arrows. I'm gonna have to wait a while. When my chick went fuggin bonkers at a silent auction it sucked up what was supposed to be my 'extra funds' to load up on arrows.


Tatonka guide.
No problem bud..
I know when the time comes we will get you taken care of...you helped someone when the chips are down and thats sayin something about you and your chica..
Get the nock closer to the bottom of your eye and see if that helps. I touch my top finger on my cheek bone when i shoot.


Tatonka guide.
Damn dude. Unbelievable.....

It worked
:smiley_coolpeace:just got to learn how to use your body to your advantage brother...nothing more /nothing less. i will show you the geometry sometime when i get down to see your new place.


Senior Member
Athens County
Shot my arms off last night. Gotta break that old habit. So far, so good.

It makes alot sense now. It felt like i was over pulling(if that makes sense), and having to aim low. All in the mean while my bow was constantly angled up and not square...

Not sure why the fugg i was so glued on the thought that the top finger should b touching corner of mouth...