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Got a strange scary text last night.


central Ohio
Last night at 11:16 pm I got a text on my phone. I was almost asleep so I picked it up, saw who it was and shut off the noise. Figured Id read it in the morning. It was from someone from my past I communicate with so very rare but recently My ex-step-grandaughter wants to come visit on her christmas break. It was her mother so I figured it was about arrangements for that and figured it could wait till morning wondering why she decided to chat so late. My mind kept bugging me to loo but I ignored it and had a time trying to get back to sleep...but I did. Brooke likes horse and likes to hunt and is around 13, she is the only person I still have a relationship with and visits are rare. So this morning I look at the text as I get up and all it says is (this is from Brooks mother) ... "PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!" and thats it. Geez? I have no way of knowing whats up and dont know how to respond to that? Brooke has a new phone number and we just spoke for the first time in over a month. I gave her my number but didnt get hers and facebook is all we have. I dont know whats wrong with her mom. Im terrified to say anything to Brooke. The woman has three beautiful daughters and is wife to a firefighter. we dont have a relationship so to speak but we not aliens. I feel terrible for not responding to the text asap. All I texted just a bit ago was "prayers your way , if you need anything just let me know". So I guess Im saying to yall, Pray for The girls mom...it must be bad for her to randomly text me this. She doesnt drink so I know it wasnt a strang drunk thing.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Last night at 11:16 pm I got a text on my phone. I was almost asleep so I picked it up, saw who it was and shut off the noise. Figured Id read it in the morning. It was from someone from my past I communicate with so very rare but recently My ex-step-grandaughter wants to come visit on her christmas break. It was her mother so I figured it was about arrangements for that and figured it could wait till morning wondering why she decided to chat so late. My mind kept bugging me to loo but I ignored it and had a time trying to get back to sleep...but I did. Brooke likes horse and likes to hunt and is around 13, she is the only person I still have a relationship with and visits are rare. So this morning I look at the text as I get up and all it says is (this is from Brooks mother) ... "PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!" and thats it. Geez? I have no way of knowing whats up and dont know how to respond to that? Brooke has a new phone number and we just spoke for the first time in over a month. I gave her my number but didnt get hers and facebook is all we have. I dont know whats wrong with her mom. Im terrified to say anything to Brooke. The woman has three beautiful daughters and is wife to a firefighter. we dont have a relationship so to speak but we not aliens. I feel terrible for not responding to the text asap. All I texted just a bit ago was "prayers your way , if you need anything just let me know". So I guess Im saying to yall, Pray for The girls mom...it must be bad for her to randomly text me this. She doesnt drink so I know it wasnt a strang drunk thing.

Or she's just looking for attention... Lets hope that's what it is and not something serious.


central Ohio
I looked at her FB page and there is something going on. She asked for prayers there too but didnt say for exactly what. Not like her to do this for attention. somethings going on.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I looked at her FB page and there is something going on. She asked for prayers there too but didnt say for exactly what. Not like her to do this for attention. somethings going on.

Sorry If I seem Jaded but often times when I see a female blast out a "pray for me" without any hint as to the issue. Especially to everyone including basic strangers and seldom acquaintances on places like FB and every contact in their phone. Later once they have everyone's attention It usually turns out to be nothing.. If it was a super huge issue people tend to play it closer to the chest with close family and friends until more is known.. I hope it's nothing serious. But just saying.


central Ohio
totally not like her to do that but Im tellin yah Ill be glad this year is over with all the "stuff"..Im starting to sound like that LOL!! Dont pray for me anymore just tell me to Man up , lol!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I certainly hope everything is alright. That's a strange thing to do right there. Am I missing something, or can't you call her back from the number that she texted you from?


central Ohio
UPDATE: It was the daughter. All it was was she got in a big fight with her mom and took off to cool off..and used her moms phone. She doesnt even remember what the damn fight was about. Damn kids, scaring me like that. It was just so strange since Im out of that loop and have been out for two years now except for seeing her once in a great while. Damn.