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Hay hauling day


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Our friend baled my hay today. I got 4 round bales off my front field and 14 bales off my neighbor down the road. My neighbor is 1/4 mile west of me on a 45 MPH road. I have a blind hill about 100 yds to the east of me. So for the last 23 yrs when I'm going west I always drive down the left side of the road so I won't get hit from the idiots going too fast over the blind hill. It has saved my ass several times over the years.
When on the tractor I do the same left side for about 500 yds and I'll be damn 50% of the drivers come over the hill and have no idea what to do. I'm on the wrong side of the road and they are on their right side I try to wave them past and some get the idea and some don't.
When I leave the neighbors drive to go home I can see 3/4 mile and if no cars coming I go in 6th gear about 23 MPH. And wouldn't you know it out of 14 runs I had 3 cars behind me before I get the 1/4 mile. One guy in a junk pickup is blowing his horn for me to get out of the way as he was smart enough not cross the double yellow line. OH well I'm done for another year.
Ranting over until next year.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Frank, just be glad you don't do it all the time lol.... Just got back from SC and it was a downright miserable ride home.... One of the worst I can remember..... Night time for me from now on lol....


spencerville oh
I hear ya Frank I hauled around 100,000 gallons of hog shit yesterday out of 1 of my buddies hog barns and these people on the road piss me off. They are always in a hurry and won't give a guy two ft. I had to go about two miles to get to the field and I had traffic on my but all day long. Believe me they don't ride to long behind that honey wagon before the try and pass ya lol. They always seem to go around ya at the most unoppurtuned time. There is always a mailbox or road sign in the way and then they get mad because you don't get over. These roads are just busy with too many idiots. And glad to hear you got your hay put up. We baled around 80 acres of straw in 3\5 square bails and some of those we had to haul about ten miles so I feel your pain. I'm ranting with ya if it makes you feel any better lol.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
From past experience I would say the drivers in your farm area are much more patient to farm equipment than down here. But every generation of idiots just raise another generation of worse idiots.

Like I've always said 'almost everyone is in a big hurry to get no where to do nothing important'. Now days you add to that problem with everyone on their phone talking or texting. Some day I can see where state laws will require cell phone not to work when moving. Sorry but I for one can't wait for that day.
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