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Help with a Barnett Revolution Avi


*Supporting Member*
Jackson County
I bought one for my dad last xmas and it has been shot about 20 times in preparation for this season. I noticed that the cables are being shredded! I look inside the stock were the cable rest and see a piece that looks like plastic the cables run along to reduce wear. Well, It seems that the bow just hanging there all summer with the constant pressure from the cables made grooves in the plastic piece(that is supposed to be helping) and when the cables run over it its cutting them. NO ANSWER at the barnett service center in florida. Any input or comments on this....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
If you can get to it take your DLT (Dremel or Like Tool) and buff the plastic to get rid of the rough patches. I have would only do this as a last resort. I would take it to a barnett dealer first.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I have no clue. Sounds like a manufacturer defect that should be covered under warranty. Keep us informed on how Barnett treats you.


*Supporting Member*
Jackson County
No answer at their main service center in florida, called a few times. Called the michigan service center(not sure why they have a special one just for michigan, maybe those guys really tear up their bows) but he was a nice guy, listened to what was going on and told me to send it up. I had to pay for shipping, and that better be all I pay for only having 25 shots through the thing. If this turns out badly, barnett will never have my business again.


*Supporting Member*
Jackson County
Guy from michigan was nice, had to pay to ship the bow there. Replaced the string and cables, fixed the issue and sent a cable slide to prevent further problems...good customer service. No further charge for repairs.