These guys are at this cam weekly but can't get him any closer that 70 yards. They are very weary and living in the corn. Have seen them a couple times. Still hanging around together.
Can you just move in closer on them? Is that an option? If you're planning on flinging an arrow at them make the adjustment..... you got a climber too use?
This field has no, none, zip, zero mature trees around it where they are staying in the corn. Corn will be off soon enough. These two are always together and their are two others that are together.
I don't wanna impose on the farmer. The property they are staying on is not one of ours. He lets me and only me hunt it until gun and don't wanna push it. I would pay him not to harvest some but that is awefully expensive now. 1/4 acre is like $240 worth of product on average.
Nah it was a former crp field with nothing but junk trees. I am patient this year. The rut I have a setup perfect for the area I believe. Time is on my side as long as the corn is off by rut.