Unreal. I have come across multiple stands on public. While I have not used said stands, it doesn't deter me from the area unless someone is already there. Any time I see someone headed my direction if I am already set up, I flash my light just to let them know there's someone there. Whether they choose to move or not is up to them, and I deal with it if they stay. I chalk it up to it just being part of public land hunting. I've run into people in parking lots as well and told them where I plan to go and try to be cordial. Haven't had an issue on public land with other deer hunters. I think for the most part we're in the same boat with access and attitude. I just want to hunt. Not interested in arguing over a deer. Not interested in arguing over anything on public land really but duck hunters can be a different breed and if they're not friendly, I don't push the issue. If I am at a spot first, I invite them to join me. I hope to learn from them more than anything. Others have not been as welcoming to me though. When that's the case, I move on. Not worth it.