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Hunters shot at by "wildlife lover"


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Hunters looking for ducks, find trouble. The harrowing hunting story happened in Barron County in Western Wisconsin.

Two men were shot at, numerous times, while hunting legally in Cameron. The man who opened fire, is only facing minor charges.

Both sides are telling their stories to Eyewitness News.

It's the heart of duck hunting season. On Sunday, a marsh looked like it does, perfect, for outdoorsman, "we knew it was going to be a great day, it started out good."

Yet within minutes of shooting two mallards, the hunters became the hunted.

A stranger lurking in the nearby woods, got mouthy, "he went off on a rant about how we shouldn't be here, we should be in Afghanistan if we were gonna shooting something," says Levi Johnston.

Then, that stranger, Van Hawkinson, got a gun, "for a moment there, I got angry and was hurt, I jumped in the vehicle took a .410 with me, what's that gonna do? I shot out at the corn field up in the air, I had my weapon like so."

We asked duck hunter David Reichenberger if he felt targeted, "oh absolutely, if he had a .22 or any other lethal weapon he could've killed us."

Reichenberger and Johnston were in a canoe. No way to escape. The shots were close enough to scare them. And that's the point, "I'm an animal lover and bird lover. I don't like to see things die, especially for the sport of killing," says Hawkinson.

Although the hunters were on private land, they had permission from the owner to be there. Authorities arrested and charged the 64-year-old with dangerous use of a weapon and disorderly conduct, which are misdemeanors and considered minor crimes by the law.

We asked Hawkinson if he was sorry, "yes, why? Because I went to jail for it." He was there for one night, then he was free on $1,000 bond.

"That's it?" That's what David Reichenberger and Levi Johnston want to know, "he got nothing for basically trying to kill us, how is it you can shoot somebody and the next day get out of jail?"

More at the link


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry, but I agree with Wayne. If I am legally hunting somewhere and a nutcase comes out ranting, raving, AND firing shots. . . .as far as I am concerned their lives were in jeopardy. I am afraid I would have shot back. They were in a canoe for crying out loud. Not exactly a fast get away ride.

But. . . .we only heard part of the story. I am sure there could be more to it as to why the hunters did not retaliate. Probably a good thing too because then we would be given a bad name as a bunch of redneck hunters.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
He would've had three loads of number 2s coming at his ass if it were me.