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Hunting accident


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Sunset was 5:11 on Dec 2nd. So legal shooting time was until 5:41, if it happened at 5:45 it was over. Still it's pretty dark by then. Sad, absolutely tragic.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I still don't see HOW a person can be mistaken for a deer. Orange or not. And if it is so dark you can't tell the difference. . . Ummm, this is why we are required to stop hunting at a certain time. Even so, what a horrible tragedy. I'm not going to bash the guy anymore. I'm sure he is beside himself already. I couldn't imagine being the cause of my child's death. I couldn't imagine having to bury a child even if it was no fault of mine. Terrible thing to deal with.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
That’s a pain he’ll be having too deal with for the remainder of his life. That’ll be a living hell for that guy.

Wasn’t there still snow on the ground when this happened?

Trying too run that scenario through in my mind.

Still a bunch of stupid mistakes being made by all involved.


Senior Member
that is truly a tragedy, and totally avoidable. this was not an "accident", it was a monumental "mistake". there is a big difference between those two words. life is precarious.

I cannot fathom wanting to shoot a deer, or anything, so badly that my judgement could be clouded enough to pull the trigger in that circumstance.


Supporting Member
Ross County
Truly tragic and my heart goes out to the family & friends of those affected. What a shame and totally avoidable, damn that's horrible.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
that is truly a tragedy, and totally avoidable. this was not an "accident", it was a monumental "mistake". there is a big difference between those two words. life is precarious.

I cannot fathom wanting to shoot a deer, or anything, so badly that my judgement could be clouded enough to pull the trigger in that circumstance.
Yes, makes ya wonder .......seems like every year


Senior Member
I don't mean to be insensitive here, but this happens because the need, desire, pressure, or whatever you want to label it, to "succeed" is so intoxicating to some hunters that they are willing to risk someone's life to have their success. I suppose utter incompetence could be to blame in some cases like this, but I'd guess that is very rare. this man pulled the trigger on a target that he could not identify in the dark. I have a hard time feeling sorry for him, but my heart aches for his family.

One thing is for sure, nothing bad ever happens if you simply don't pull the trigger.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Stupidity a
I don't mean to be insensitive here, but this happens because the need, desire, pressure, or whatever you want to label it, to "succeed" is so intoxicating to some hunters that they are willing to risk someone's life to have their success. I suppose utter incompetence could be to blame in some cases like this, but I'd guess that is very rare. this man pulled the trigger on a target that he could not identify in the dark. I have a hard time feeling sorry for him, but my heart aches for his family.

One thing is for sure, nothing bad ever happens if you simply don't pull the trigger.

I was hunting public land at Tappan Lake in the 70's - the watershed district had planted large areas with pine groves pretty thick - well two guys came near and started shooting into this grove - emptied their guns - i said what the hell ya doing they replied "trying to run deer out to our buddies on the other side of the pines" - i packed it in - never rule out stupidity

Another time - same area - uhm in a tree stand ,climber, two guys grouse hunting walk up and stand under my stand and lite up smokes - never saw me - uhm sit n there look n down the barrels of their guns - didn't know what to do. Finally said how ya do n down there - they bout jumped out of their boots - one guy said sorry and they walked off
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
So sad..... SO F-ing SAD.... This is the third hunting accident I've heard of this week... 2 of which were fatal... As I wrote in another thread, here in Jersey a kid shot his 38 year old father on Tues. and killed him... From what I read they were following a blood trail and the kid was in back of his father when he tripped and gun went off... In this case an accident, BUT TOTALLY AVOIDABLE...
Now this kid has to live with this the rest of his life... The other accident in Jersey from what I heard guy shot himself in foot... As for the Ohio accident: Sounds like greed... Just gotta get myself a deer or everything will come to an end... Sounds like guy shot after legal shooting hours and should be charged... When walking in or out in low light I always have a light on whether I need it or not...
Being around for a few hunting seasons I've seen some stupid shit... Including being shot at one season... Worst accident I remember was I believe 1974 while bear hunting in Pa.. Me and my Dad were back in our spots along a swamp, when shortly before daylight I heard a shot out across dirt road we were parked on... I thought someone's gun went off while loading it... Then an hour later I heard sirens... This time I thought someone must have had a heart attack... When we went out for lunch there were several state police vehicles there... According to reports a guy took his roughly 12 year old son hunting and left him alone by a tree and continued on another 100 yds. or so... Shortly before sunrise in lowlight conditions kid heard a branch break and got nervous that it was a bear and sent a round in that direction... Turns out it was three guys walking in single file... Bullet struck the first guy and exited striking the second guy, killing both... Kid should have been with his father at this age, father was charged...
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