So I've grown up using my dads remington 870 12ga and I do love the thing but the down fall is I'm only shooting 2-3/4" shells. I want to get a semi-auto and something that can shoot 3 or 3.5s. I'll be using it mostly for turkey hunting and waterfowl hunting. I'd like to keep it under $1500. What would you guys suggest?
Also I'm left eye dominant so when shooting at waterfowl and doves I shoot lefty but when turkey hunting I shoot righty. What hand shotgun would you suggest? I shoot a right handed shotgun right now which makes it hard for hunting upland birds and what not b/c of where the safety is located.
Also I'm left eye dominant so when shooting at waterfowl and doves I shoot lefty but when turkey hunting I shoot righty. What hand shotgun would you suggest? I shoot a right handed shotgun right now which makes it hard for hunting upland birds and what not b/c of where the safety is located.