If you use Kent Faststeel, Cabelas has it on sale. $12.47 a box for 3". Just a bit more for 3.5's.
Just a heads up.
Just a heads up.
Was just there yesterday in Dundee... I got a box of 3" 3s. I think they were actually 14, almost 15 bucks.
Fuggin figures. Lol. Dundee was pretty picked over yesterday. I got up there a little late and most stuff I wanted was hard to find. They didn't have the Dakota mallards I was looking for. But I did end up with a pair of Vortex binos and a case of hevi-metal though. Loving the diamondback 10x42s!Dundee has different sales than our Regional stores. CBus, WV and another all have the same sales.
Yep... Always better to go that route IMO.Thanks for the heads up. Good box price. I was looking at case pricing the other day...could be advantageous to split up
Yea this time of year most of the big stores like natchez, rogers, and macks runs sales on hevishot brand ammo plus the rebates too. Most even ship cases for free. I usually order through macks but I was up in Dundee and figured I'd bite the bullet while I was there.Just saw that Natchez has links to HeviShot rebates, boxes or cases.