Not so sure where you see Lesnar as a puss? Heres my thoughts.
Lesnar was not a well rounded fighter, but he came to fight none the less, and at a level where very few people could have handled him. Not taking away from a disease that kills quite a few people who contract it. Sure, the man was a one dimensional fighter. You do something, and do it greatly for 30+ years of your life, then try and change overnight…not as easy as it sounds from the couch. The fact that the man is probably 270-280 when he walks into the Octagon, and has the speed and strength that he does possess, puts him at a great advantage over many fighters in the HW division. The fact that he subbed Carwin was a testament to the fact that the wrestler was learning something. Sure, he wasn’t a striker at the top 3 or 4 in the world level, such as Velasquez, Dos Santos, and Overeem, but why would we ever expect that from a 30+ year wrestling champion, after such a short career in mma? Be fair, whether or not you’re a Lesnar fan or not, the man put it down in an arena that most people cannot make it into, much less shine in. Randy Couture is still one of my favorite mma fighters ever, and until he retired this last time, he was still primarily a wrestler. There have been plenty of fighters, especially heavies that were basically wrestlers that learned to duck and swing, some of the greatest…. Couture, Severn, Coleman… just a few of the most revered names in the hw mma game. Wrestlers, any of whom CV, JDS, or AO would dismantle fairly quickly if it was to remain a standing fight. I believe that Lesnar could have become a great fighter had the circumstances been better for him.