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Matthew Bracken


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Some of you have probably read his Enemies Foreign and Domestic Trilogy and if you have not it's a very good read. It follows a potential story line of what happens in America after a mass shooting at a football game and the gun registration/confiscation that follows as a gut reaction. There are some parallels between that book and some of the information that has come out about Operation Fast and Furious, only the book was written in 2002.

He has also written a series of essays that can be downloaded via kindle or most of them are available Here (along with large excerpts of the trilogy mentioned above)
Here is an excerpt from one of them (From Dear Mr. Security Agent).
8. The Scapegoat Express

Scapegoating an unpopular group is standard operating procedure for budding socialist dictators wrecking once-free economies. For the Soviets, it was the Kulaks; for the Chinese it was the so-called “landlords.” I could list more recent cases to include Cambodia, Uganda, Guatemala, Rwanda and others. Once disarmed and helpless to resist, the hated national scapegoats are slaughtered by the millions.
Probably few Turks, Germans or Russians gave a thought to the ultimate aim of their new gun registration laws, passed quite plausibly in the name of public safety. But national gun registration is a slow-acting poison, sweet and easy to swallow, but potentially becoming deadly only years later, when a tyrant takes the reins of power and inevitably sends for the list. He begins with his most dangerous enemies and works his way through the list, marching the helpless scapegoats into deserts or gas chambers or gulags after disarming them.

In America today, we are seeing the beginning of an insidious scapegoating process, with older conservative white Christian males designated as the national Lucifer du jour, fair game for any vicious attack. Famous black movie stars joke about murdering white folks and white liberal media stars laugh along with them, conveying elite acceptance of the prevailing “evil whitey” meme.

Filled from birth on a steady diet of the pervasiveness of white racism in America, rage-filled urban youths across the nation play “the knockout game” with often fatal results for their randomly selected white or Asian victims. Meanwhile, the elite liberal media fail to notice the national scope of the almost weekly occurrences. Google “the knockout game” and start reading the dozens of local stories that the media refuse to connect or identify as part of a dangerous national trend.

Considering This article on Drudge today where a black female rapper takes a "Whiteface" photo and then defends herself using racial slurs and more (also found here on E) I see a potential connection or am I merely reading into it too much?

Does Matthew Bracken have an insight for connecting the dots early? or is he merely catering to an audience who will easily follow his thought process from a common mindset?


Junior Member
Funny you posted this topic because I was just about to suggest reading his books on the other TOO Book Club post, then I saw this topic, weird.

I Have all his books and have read them twice through, actually just finished the trilogy for the second time. I also follow him on Facebook because he is constantly posting good articles about stuff you don't see in the Fake News. If you haven't read his books I highly suggest it.


Senior Member
I received the trilogy in the mail on Saturday. I'll finish the first book this evening. I'm not much into reading fiction, but I'm really enjoying this book. hope the other two are as good as the first.


Senior Member
I finished reading the "Enemies" trilogy a few days ago. I'm not much of a fiction reader, but the patriot genre certainly kept my interest up. highly recommend these books. all three books were very enjoyable and thought provoking.