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Mossberg 500 Combo


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Had lunch yesterday with a friend of mine, he’s new to the world of firearms.

Has a 9mm pistol and a Ruger 10/22

He asked me for advice on what he should buy next, maybe an assault-type rifle, etc.

I told him nope, his next purchase should be a Mossberg 500 combo and explained why, etc.

That said, he asked me to send him info/links, which I did.

I don’t know how many of you have a Dunhams close by, but FYI I checked stock and Dunhams has the classic combo in 12ga in stock in all the stores around me, and I also saw the 20ga combo in stock as well! Pretty good price for these days too.

I like Mossberg 500 combo

I like Dunhams

Just sharing…..because…you know….

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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My old Mossberg never failed me. It was the second shotgun Santa brought me. The thing fires thousands of rounds without fail. Aside from a rather sloppy action, I have no idea why folks hate on Mossberg. Mine has been outstanding.


Dignitary Member
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Solid input. Not a Mossberg fan myself but solid advise. Remington 870 combo would be the other option for him.

Have you picked up an 870 off the shelf recently? Junk. They cheapened an action that was never designed to be cheapened. Might as well buy the 500 and get all three chokes and sling mounts.
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And tell him if he ever decides to step up to a higher grade gun there are plenty of accessory kits to make that 500 more "tactical". Adjustable stock, shell holder, slimmer pump. etc.
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Only Mossberg 500 we had was my dads 20 ga combo. Was a great shooting gun but was a very loose action that rattled badly. Dad didn’t keep it long because of it back then. Not sure if they ever fixed that but I’d still look at Mossberg for any caliber. Love the looks of a Mossberg 450 Bushmaster I’ve had my eye on for a while now. Wood stock and all.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Have you picked up an 870 off the shelf recently? Junk. They cheapened an action that was never designed to be cheapened. Might as well buy the 500 and get all three chokes and sling mounts.
Remington 870 express was discontinued when the company went bankrupt. Remington and Mossberg were competing for the discount big box store market. The new company recently started making Wingmasters again. They have no plans to make expresses


Dignitary Member
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@brock ratcliff my only issues are a result of a Mossberg 500 fail to fire. Could have been an anomaly.

Not trying to turn this into a debate. Just pointing out either one would serve his needs well. I think Dan was spot on in his advise. This would be a great "next step" into the gun world.
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I purchased a Mossberg 500 Turkey Special, at least 14 years ago and it's claimed the lives of many turkeys. :cool:
Never had any issues of any kind. 💯

I purchased a Remington 870 Express Super Magnum (3 1/2" chamber), for waterfowl hunting. The shell interceptor on the right side of the receiver had a burr on it, which if it happened to catch on the channel it was stamped into, it would disallow any ammo being fed from the magazine tube, into the chamber. :mad: This malfunction was caused from stamped parts with unfinished edges. It was brand new, so I took it back to the local gun dealer to be sent back to Remington.
Remington sent it back, dirty from test firing with a note stating, "We could not reproduce the malfunction you described. So, in our opinion, there's nothing wrong with this shotgun." :rolleyes:

This malfunction reared its ugly head on opening day of the early goose season. So, I sent it back to Remington with a detailed letter about the burr on the shell interceptor. All they would've had to do was remove the shell interceptor, run a Dremmel over the part to knock off the burr and stake it back into the receiver. This time the return was on September 1st of 2001. Needless to say, all gun traffic was shut down on the 11th, due to the Twin Towers attack. By the time I got the shotgun back, it was mid-October. 🙃 So, I took it to a local gun show and sold it for $250. Then I went out and purchased a Bennelli Nova and went goose hunting. 💯:cool:
I will add that I've since purchased a Remington Versa Max and I've ran all kinds of ammo through it with no issues what so ever. Everything from 3 1/2" goose loads to 2 3/4" sporting clays and it has functioned flawlessly. 💯:cool:
Added a "tactical bolt handle", Sightmark Mini Dot and an enlarged bolt carrier release button.
The choke tube is a Patternmaster Code Black Goose (extended range).
Versa Max 1.jpg
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