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Never forget


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
It's been a while, but it was a day that changed my life forever. People have shared time and time again exactly what they were doing when they got the news about the attack on American soil. 9/11 is here again and the overwhelming fear and anger is still as strong as it once was. The hate I grew that day is still in me. I was made a racist that day and I still can't get over it. Even though I've tried, I just can't get over the fact that they hate us that much. I can't even use a gas station that is owned by them without the hate coming to my first thoughts. For years the face of hate now surrounds us in our own country. I know they ain't all bad and I say this to say this. Those young adults are seeing a new face of hate and it is the white man with a gun. These people are painting us the new radical and unknowingly, these young adults are growing to be racist. Media made me feel this way and now that I am older I understand it. But the damage is already done.

So on this 9/11 I am going to a gas station to spend a little money and tell that dude I'm sorry. I now understand that he is just trying to live out the American dream.


Dignitary Member
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It’s hard to imagine how anyone could be unaffected by those tragic events that occurred on September 11, 2001. But now, here we are, 21 years worth of people have been born that will never know what that feeling was like. Whether we can accept it or not, the horror of that day is slowly being forgotten. In most ways, that is an atrocity in my eyes. But regarding the way it changed people like you, Dave… maybe there’s some good in that, too.


Senior Member
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Walbridge oh


Senior Member
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Walbridge oh
Latest story I heard I never knew. First two F-16's up were unarmed. Female pilot interviewed talked about how they were searching for flight 93. They were going to sacrifice themselves. The other pilot was going to take the nose off and she was going to take the tale off so it would fall straight down. Heather Penney is her name.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Latest story I heard I never knew. First two F-16's up were unarmed. Female pilot interviewed talked about how they were searching for flight 93. They were going to sacrifice themselves. The other pilot was going to take the nose off and she was going to take the tale off so it would fall straight down. Heather Penney is her name.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
It was a life changing day for me as well, I still remember standing in the office I was working in and watching the second plane strike the tower live on TV.

the world is a fallen broken places, most of you know that my faith in Christ is central to who I am. With that being said don't let the hate consume you, it will eat you up like a cancer. Now don't get me wrong, I feel the hate, know the hate and have dealt with the hate.

I truly believe the world and the devil hate the United States of America because we are the last nation that believes in Christian principles, the nation that runs to help in help with tragedies around the world, the nation that gives financial help, often stupidly, to many other countries.

we are the last bastion of Freedom in this ever darkening world.


Senior Member
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Walbridge oh
Was at the BMV getting registration renewed when the first tower fell. All kinds of emotions going on that day. Went from omg to being scared then really pissed off.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Latest story I heard I never knew. First two F-16's up were unarmed. Female pilot interviewed talked about how they were searching for flight 93. They were going to sacrifice themselves. The other pilot was going to take the nose off and she was going to take the tale off so it would fall straight down. Heather Penney is her name.


Senior Member
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Something from my Facebook memories

#Repost @andystumpf212
In an era where posting a # is considered meaningful action, I have a request for all Americans, spare me the bullshit.

9/11 changed my life in ways that I could never imagine. It changed all of our lives. It changed the trajectory of our country.

Taking five minutes to craft a #neverforget post because that is the “thing” to do today, and then returning to your life of divided, partisan, party line, argumentative, criticizing, shout down your fellow American attitude is meaningless. It’s not only meaningless, it is bullshit, and it shows that very clearly, you have already forgotten.

I have never seen or felt a greater connection to my fellow Americans than in the days after 9/11. We were caring, empathetic, and most importantly, united.

People with different opinions are not your enemy, unless you choose to make them so. Is it worth losing friends and family in an attempt to be “right?” I am embarrassed by what I see, read, and hear. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

Spoiler alert, the Rights and Freedoms of this country, which we are all so incredibly fortunate to have, apply to all American citizens, equally. Perhaps try to #neverforget that.

Instead of making a witty post, instead of “talking about it,” BE ABOUT IT. Honor the people who died 19 years ago, and all of those that have given their lives since by being a better person. Be a productive and meaningful member of our society. Be a responsible and accountable human being. Not just today because you are reminded of the events from 19 years ago, but every single day.

You will be a better person for it. We will be a better country because of it.