I sold my 40/30 jet drive Triton boat back in February. It was a long process to find another jet boat. If you have ever looked for one, you know what I am talking about. I ended up purchasing a 2009 Mercury 60/40 jet from a guy in Tennessee. He had dated paperwork to show me and it only had 50 hours on it. I then had to find a hull to put it on. I found a great deal on a new 2014 Tracker Grizzly 1754. I really liked that it is wide open with no gun boxes, storage, etc. to get in the way. It also has only a 3 degree dead rise, so it will run in next to no water. I do a lot of duck hunting on the Ohio River and locally on our shallow rivers. This boat will be great for both. Big enough for the Ohio, but not to big for the local rivers. I still have a lot to get for it, but it will be fun to pick up things as I go. My buddies and I finished camo painting it last night. It took six hours, but I feel it was definitely worth it. I am planning on taking it down to the Ohio this weekend to try and get on some shovel heads.