Sounds like a fun project, can't wait to see it finished.
Those breathing tubes are terrible. You stated that happened when you had your 1st open heart surgery. Does this mean I have more open heart surgeries to look forward to. I had my first one 4 years ago, triple bypass. I hope I never have another one.
A funny true story about the tonsil problem
I had the heart surgery and when they moved me from ICU to my room they tell you'll have flem and carefully cough it out. Well I did have the flem but could spit out so I asked the nurse for a hand mirror.
With the mirror I could see the yellow flem laying on top of my tongue. But with a tissue I couldn't pull out.
In walks the nurse and ask "what are you doing"?
Trying to remove this flem.
She looks and says "Oh my God that's your tonsil".
For the next 3 days every Doctor and nurse in the hospital came and looked in my mouth. As they seen like that after surgery from the breathing tube.
I flairs up 2-3 times per year but never quit that bad to get 2" long. After my 2nd surgery it didn't happen.
It's better today.