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New Pup - Where to buy?


Staff member
Due to some unfortunate circumstances for Milo and Mike Stambaugh (and myself), I am not going to get a pup in time for winter. The wife and I really want a new dog to grow up with our daughter since Remi is getting older and could really care less about her. I also want a new pup to train for waterfowl. I have a buddy with two great looking labs from top-end stock that he plans to breed, but it will be at least another 18 months before that happens. I'm not waiting that long and with the prospect of Baby #2 showing up in our parts around mid-2017, I'd like to have one well on it's way to being fully trained by then.

Looking for some pointers on where to shop in Ohio for a solid lab. I don't need a future champion field/hunt trail dog. I won't spend more than $1K on one either. What I want is an adequate hunting dog that will make a great companion for my little girl. Ideally I'd like to find a kennel/breeder/parents and get in on a pup that will be ready around February/March once all the hunting is done.

Any other suggestions on this front are more than welcome. Remi was meant to be just a dog and he was that and a little more. This one needs to raise the bar a little higher and not be so damn aloof!


Baby #2 in mid-2017, thats impressive that you can pinpoint it that accurately, can you teach me your secrets, :pickle:


Staff member
Well if it goes like the first one, it'll take the first time and we don't plan to try for #2 until this time next year. So at the earleist, it'll be mid-2017 and if we have issues, it'll be when it will be.


Junior Member
Delaware County
There's a litter in the classifieds that's supposed to be born early September, looks like very well bred labs. Search "lab pups" if you don't see it but it is pretty recent I think


Staff member
Those pups would be ready right in the middle of peak waterfowl down here and I can't manage a pup when I'm hunting 4-5 day as a week.


Tatonka guide.
my brother got his first lab from the retriever barn up on lake erie. he was a great dog and hard ass retriever. his new one is from tennesse. not near the hard drive as his first but a very good retriever. I know TeeJ is in a retriever club and may have a couple of local contacts and you could see the dogs work also. Those guys have or know of really good breedings generally.


Senior Member
My biggest concern with getting a pup is just make sure they have their health clearances, EIC and CNM both clear, carrier is okay too. And make sure you can view their pedigree, most of them can be found on http://www.huntinglabpedigree.com/. Also most breeders would ship them to ya if you don't want to drive to get the pup. I wouldn't just confine yourself to Ohio. I could ping some of the breeders I know of any litters they know coming up.

I'm sure one of the Zach's will chime in, they're a little more experienced than me.

Here's a link to where you can find pups, on the left hand side click on classifieds.



Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Jesse....get ahold of me about the lab. I know a friend of mine. I bought my lab from him.


Senior Member
After training Leo and then currently training ace, I will never buy anything other than dogs out of FC or successful HT lines. Reason being is ease of trainability. Don't get my wrong, Leo was a Fucking animal and a workhorse..... but was 5 times harder to train than ace has been.

IMO, money is the last factor I would consider.... it's an animal you will have for 8,10 possibly 12 years. You have blown more money on more frivolous things.... a dog is an investment..... that being said, there are dogs priced from 500-1500 that will fit the bill.... I will tell you this. Avoid trinity labs.... IMO opinion they are a puppy mill in hiding.
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Senior Member
After training Leo and then currently training ace, I will never buy anything other than dogs out of FC or successful HT lines. Reason being is ease of trainability. Don't get my wrong, Leo was a Fucking animal and a workhorse..... but was 5 times harder to train than ace has been.

IMO, money is the last factor I would consider.... it's an animal you will have for 8,10 possibly 12 years. You have blown more money on more frivolous things.... a dog is an investment..... that being said, there are dogs priced from 500-1500 that will fit the bill.... I will tell you this. Avoid trinity labs.... IMO opinion they are a puppy mill in hiding.

I took this advice with Boomer and I stand by it also. You get what you pay for. Boomer never had an issue retrieving, was swimming at 7 weeks and retrieving drake mallards in the water at 12 weeks. Pay a little more and you won't be let down. Especially if you know their health clearances cuz it can save you $$$ in the long run knowing they have a good health clearance history.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
After training Leo and then currently training ace, I will never buy anything other than dogs out of FC or successful HT lines. Reason being is ease of trainability. Don't get my wrong, Leo was a Fucking animal and a workhorse..... but was 5 times harder to train than ace has been.

IMO, money is the last factor I would consider.... it's an animal you will have for 8,10 possibly 12 years. You have blown more money on more frivolous things.... a dog is an investment..... that being said, there are dogs priced from 500-1500 that will fit the bill.... I will tell you this. Avoid trinity labs.... IMO opinion they are a puppy mill in hiding.


You don't have to put titles on your pup to justify buying one from a titled pedigree. It's not about the titles. Like Zach said, those titles in the pedigree show trainability. Anything you can possibly do as a dog owner and self-trainer to stack the odds in your favor with a new pup, YOU NEED TO BE DOING IT... and that includes choosing a dog from a solid pedigree. If you don't, you're undoubtedly taking a gamble my friend. The better the bloodline, the easier it will be on you as a trainer. The timing may not be perfect for you, but that litter in the classifieds will be a good one.

Another thing. THE ABSOLUTE CHEAPEST PART ABOUT OWNING A DOG IS BUYING IT. The price of a pup is important, but remember, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the money you're going to spend on that dog down the road. Vet bills, worm meds, flea/tick meds, training equipment, vests, crates, collars, food, toys, and on and on and on. When you find a solid litter, don't try to put too much emphasis on the up front cost of the pup.


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
You've already got a bunch of sound advice. Like Kaisers boy Leo, my boy Sarge comes from little to nothing pedigree wise and is stubborn as fugg! He's a machine though and will NOT quit regardless of the conditions I throw him into. Likewise with Ace, my boy Maverick matured slower than most so it put us behind schedule a little bit but my goodness this dog has it all. Smart, trainable, Heart, eye sight, Heart, speed, tractability, Heart, did I say HEART! I was talking to Kaiser the other day, right after I turned down $10k cash for him. I plan on getting him a QAA title in the next 1.5 yrs if it happens that quick, then a quick MH and HRCH title to follow up and we'll be done. I've already got two breeding's lined up that have people with phenomenal females that will create INSANE litters but that's 1.5-2 yrs out.

If you truly want help PM what you want and what you want to pay, how far will you travel or do you want to pay to have it shipped in, what are your minimum requirements? Like helping Kaiser with Ace, I'd be glad to help. The other thing you have to remember is that paying $750-1000 you will have a 2 yr health guarantee and the parents will be OFA certified. Everyone thinks they have the worlds best dog, some people don't chase titles and their dog IS great, some people chase titles and their dog is JUNK. A lot of people judge shop when they take tests. Don't be afraid to ask for help, it only makes you a better owner/trainer.