I bought a Benelli nova last fall and am going to take it turkey hunting. Need to get a good choke for it but not sure even where to start. What do you guys recommend?
Me too. I've dropped every turkey up to 40 yds. with just a plain choke that's came with the Rem 1100 and not even sure what it is. I did pick up a turkey choke last year if I can find it and will use it.
Thanks! I wasnt sure how well the factory full choke would work but maybe i will go without buying another one for now. Just as long as it will shoot turkeys i dont care! haha
It will slay them no problem. I use 3-1/2 inch Remington turkey loads...5's, or a mix of 4s and 5s...killed a lot of birds with that gun..some out to 55 yds.