i think this might need a source credit... Lmao
for those not in the know. The first year down at strouds rex set me up in this area. I warned him beforehand that i came to kill shit and wasn't going to hold anything back. That evening in the stand we're all texting in a big group text about what we're seeing, deer that came close, etc. I shot a bb and it died feet from where i shot it. I mean literally; i double lunged it, it jumped in the air landing on it's back, kicked once, bahhhhed once, and was graveyard dead right there. I just shook my head disappointed that i didn't get the traditional balls to the wall 50 yard death sprint with a big crash common with other deer. I sent a text to the group "button bucks are pussies".
The rest of the evening i spent ribbing rex's that i shot a booner 4 years before he did; and that he shouldn't be mad that i beat him to the chase and shot this world class buck 4 years before he even knew it existed. In a conversation with tonk later that evening about the dnr causing the killing of too many deer tonk said "the problem isn't people killing too many does, it's people shooting button bucks" i just giggled and pointed towards the meat pole " you mean like that one?" lmao