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Ohio Accents??


*Supporting Member*
I have always found this to be an interesting topic, do you all pick up on how many different accents there are in Ohio?

I am originally from near CLE, but never have been told I have the accent (prob cause I spent a lot of time with My gpa growing up, and he is from the Appalachian hills of PA, coal miner).

Anyways I thought it could be a cool topic, and this forums full of cool guys who can discuss without being immature aholes!


Junior Member
I don't know if I would call some of the things I say an accent or just slang words. The one thing I say a lot is "yins". Such as...."I hope yins all have a good night". Haha! Another thing I say a lot is "downtstairs". Not "Downstairs" but "Downtstairs". For some reason I put a "T" in it! Haha! Oh....and I say "y'all" a lot!


*Supporting Member*
I don't know if I would call some of the things I say an accent or just slang words. The one thing I say a lot is "yins". Such as...."I hope yins all have a good night". Haha! Another thing I say a lot is "downtstairs". Not "Downstairs" but "Downtstairs". For some reason I put a "T" in it! Haha! Oh....and I say "y'all" a lot!

Eastern Ohio?

My grandpa,grandma and dad(not as bad) say:

pumpkins : punkin

fire: fiirrre

watchiema call it

sometimes instead of yins, theyll say "yous" (yous go to the store)
so many more, Ill think of some more! haha


*Supporting Member*
I get flagged for my upstate NY accent all the time:

calender (kahhlendar)
bagel (bahhgal)

I got a buddy from Boston, you woulda thought he died and went to hell when he moved to Ohio. He was like is every here rednecks? Al, can we go in your caaar, I corrected him and said thats a truck richie! hahaah


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I've been all over the world and no one has ever said you sound like you're from Ohio hahaha but I have noticed different dialects in this state.... maybe its just us Ohioans realize it lol....

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ohio has a lot of accents. North of I-70, east of 77, ( and south and west respectfully). Strangely, Chillicothe folks have their own! When I drove a truck, and CBs were still popular, I entertained myself by guessing where folks were from by the CB lingo and tone. Amazing how accurately you can tell where people are from by the way the speak.


Staff member
People from Akron are the ones who crack me up!

When I was at OU, everyone used to say I talked funny. I'd just laugh and remind them I talked normal as they were in Appalachia now and were the ones who talk funny!


*Supporting Member*
My dad calls the Sheriff, sherf. Tired is pronounced "tarred".

oo yea thats my grandpa, really hard "Rs"

Jesse, I gotta laugh, I got a buddy from Pike County, and that SOB talks like hes from Alabama! Ive gotten good at his accent, I could probably talk in it, and you wouldnt know I wasnt from Appalachia!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I used to work with a guy who was from north carolina, his nickname was corn bread if that says anything.

One day he was talking about the north carolina tar heels. and I asked him,
"Jamey, what the hell is a tire hill?"
he said " its not tire hill, its tar heel"
I said " bull s$%t, say tire"...
"OK, now say hill"...
"right, tire hills"

I'm glad he took it in good humor, he was a pretty big dude.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My dad says:
Boosh for bush
Poosh for push
Cuntstable for constable (he still calls our local cops that)

Whe I attended Akron people always asked if I was from Steubenville or Pittsburgh. I guess I have an accent. Never thought I did til I left town. Lol


*Supporting Member*
I have to admit something Ive picked up that I never used to say is Hollar, like me and my buddies will say " hollar at me buddy when ya get a chance to talk"

hahaha I tell ya what no one has accents like the east cost tho, my buddy from boston would make you shit, you heard him talk. He asked me one time "what the fucks a bob evanns" I bought passed out!
I can tell if some one is from northern, central, SW, S, SE Ohio all by the way they talk. I think southern Ohio, Kentucky, WV, and PA are the same way when it come to accents in rural communities. I think this is because few people move from an area once they are established and the original founding group of people varies from pocket Region to pocket region. The original founding community could be Dutch, German, Irish, English, or Swedish and the list goes on. But the regions original founding communities ethic background plays a lot into the development of accent. At least that's is my theory. I always thought it would be an interesting thing to research farther because there are defiantly uniform differences in accents across the rural Ohio River Valley. Along with different accents each pocket region has different uniform ways of preparing the same food. Just take good old ham and beans example if you go to SW Ohio its thick and only has bits of ham in the pot but in SE Ohio its more of a soup with maybe different vegetables in the pot.
just my $0.02

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I'll never forget riding in the car home with people and Steveo calling me to come track a deer...I got off the phone and they were laughing at how I was talking...

But, if you ever want someone to go from "country" to "city" speak, call Joe.


Senior Member
I have told I do.. Damn southern Ohio roots.. I have a friend who is from Louisiana, near where the duck commanders are...Now She has an accent.. Just talked to her tonight.. I make her repeat shit to hear how she pronounces it.. l