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Permission slip question.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I ran into a guy this morning that told me he had a slip signed that allowed himself and 10 other guys to hunt the same property. I was under the impression each person had to have their own slip signed by the landowner or his designated appointee of the property. I can't believe 1 slip signed for 11 people would hold up if it was signed for 1 person and then copied and handed out to all the other 10 people but I can't find anything to say with 100% certainty if each person has to have a slip or if they can get 1 slip and just have others listed.

Even if all 11 hunters are listed on that 1 signed slip I would think they would all need their own individual slip signed. I'm a little confused here.


*Supporting Member*
Some of Waterfowler permission are made out for Jake Kerstetter and guests. Never been checked and been asked for written permission tho .


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Some of Waterfowler permission are made out for Jake Kerstetter and guests. Never been checked and been asked for written permission tho .

I'm sure it's fine to sign them like that however, it doesn't release the landowner from liability since the other "guests" never actually signed the agreement. See where I'm coming from? Just because my name is on a slip another person got the landowner to sign and since I didn't actually sign it the liability is still on the landowner. Not having my signature agreeing to it and just has my printed name a buddy put on his slip or I'm marked as a guest doesn't release the landowner from injury or accident?

I'm telling you, if I had property and allowed hunting to others I would make damn sure each person had their very own signed slip. I would not allow myself to be open to liability like that. It's just not good IMHO to give a blanket slip like that. That's why I would think each person on the property would need their own signed slip but I can't find anything that's 100% on the matter one way or another.


Staff member
I've never seen anything in writing that addresses this specific issue. Like Jake, my waterfowling permission slips are for me a up to 3 guests. However 10 seems excessive.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I been doing the same thing with permission slips for my son's family. I have one slip made out to myself only. Then I make up a 2nd slip listing the all 5 names of my son's family that live at the same address. Then I make a copy if anyone goes hunting.
Been doing this for several years now but we haven't been checked. My good argument would be their name is listed on the signed form.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I usually have my own for everything I hunt, but if each name or "X # of Guests" are on the slip that the landowner signs, I don't see why they would be given any trouble. I would think each guest would need to carry a copy though. I was thinking that each hunter had to be in possession of written permission, but I haven't checked the reg's to verify.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What Liability? "I never gave that guy permission. Never seen him. I'd like to press charges for trespassing as soon as he heals up."


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I been doing the same thing with permission slips for my son's family. I have one slip made out to myself only. Then I make up a 2nd slip listing the all 5 names of my son's family that live at the same address. Then I make a copy if anyone goes hunting.
Been doing this for several years now but we haven't been checked. My good argument would be their name is listed on the signed form.

That would be fine but I'm thinking if one of the people listed but did NOT put their signature on the release of liability your open to a lawsuit. I'm not saying one of your family members would ever do that.

Say Joe Blow gets a slip signed and he puts his signature on the slip but adds 5 other people's names to the signed slip. Say Joe's buddy falls out of a tree and dies or just say he gets seriously injured. Since his signature was not on that slip he would still have the right to file a claim against you in court and hold you liable. All because Joe's buddy did NOT put his SIGNATURE on that slip. Just because the guys name is on that slip doesn't mean he released liability like Joe did when he put his SIGNATURE on the slip. It's a binding contract and in court your printed name especially if it was added by another individual and not you will not hold as much weight as a SIGNATURE.

I would agree it could give access to your property if handed out with just printed names added or as a guest but, legality wise you could still find yourself in hot water if your the landowner and one of those unsigned persons gets hurt or dies.


Junior Member
OK, Dumb question...permission slip? If I am planning on going hunting on public land...is this something I should have?
The impression I get is that this is only needed for hunting on a farmer's place or private land, etc.?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
OK, Dumb question...permission slip? If I am planning on going hunting on public land...is this something I should have?
The impression I get is that this is only needed for hunting on a farmer's place or private land, etc.?

I can't stress enough being new too hunting too take the safety course.... It'll answer just about every question you have....


Junior Member
I've never seen any that says what a form must say other than WRITTEN PERMISSION. Most farmers I hunt for simply sign my tag with a phone number.

matt hougan

Junior Member
Dayton area
The issue of liability here is mute since there is no liability as long as there is no money exchanging hands. It's in the Ohio administrative code. Now, if a landowner signs my permission slip and allows me to bring guests there would be no victim in the crime of "hunting without permission" there's not a prosecutor in the state that will prosecute a guest for not having a signed permission slip when there is no victim.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The issue of liability here is mute since there is no liability as long as there is no money exchanging hands. It's in the Ohio administrative code. Now, if a landowner signs my permission slip and allows me to bring guests there would be no victim in the crime of "hunting without permission" there's not a prosecutor in the state that will prosecute a guest for not having a signed permission slip when there is no victim.

I can see some local GW writing tickets. Weather or not they hold up is another question.

matt hougan

Junior Member
Dayton area
Its doubtful, unless he likes getting his rear end handed to him by the prosecutor and his supervisor. These "Hunting without Permission" issues are generally land owner generated, meaning a land owner calls to report people he doesn't know are on his land. Neighbors calling doesn't constitute a complaint and therefore no victim. If a neighbor complains (and they have) and the GW or Sheriff responds and I hand him my permission slip I've never had them ask my guests for a permission slip. Satisfied we are legit they tip their hat, shake hands, and they leave......

I have arranged with the land owner whom I've know for years that I and my friends can hunt. Who I bring is none of the States business.

Having said that I have had one land owner that would not sign permission slips but gave me verbal permission. I knew him for years. By law, I'm not allowed to hunt that private ground. Knowing how the CJ system works I hunted that land with no worries. The land owner wouldn't in a million years claim I was trespassing. No GW in the world would give me a hard time or tell me I cant hunt because I don't have a signed permission slip. The issue here is that every year I asked him if I could hunt and every year he permitted it. Signed or not, I had permission.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Matt, I've had situations similar too yours where the land owner wouldn't sign anything but gave me a verbal and said if anyone has a problem some see him.....

Always made me a little nervous, but I always knew he was a no BS stand up guy also....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Most of mine won't sign shit. All over 60. Stuck in the past and won't hear different. I'll take a trespass if necessary. The farmers will tell the wardens to fugg off. Lol