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Plane crash in Bagram airfield, Afghanistan


Dignitary Member
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Looks like a commercial airliner, appeared too stall... Flight control problem maybe or a serious engine flameout.... God rest their souls who ever they were...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Initially I thought KC-135 but couldn't make out the boom that would of been stowed on the empennage under the elevators on the back of the airplane... Didn't have the T-tail of the larger cargo aircraft we have so it may have been a cargo aircraft that was contracted.... Been to Bahgram before and there's lots off contract aircraft in and out... This is the first I've heard of this one...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
747 and Boeing is over there investigating...

Initial speculation is the load shifted on takeoff... Changing center of gravity....
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Junior Member
It was one of national air cargos planes. N949CA was the tail number. It is a horrible tragedy.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm no pilot but it looks like his ascent angle is way too steep if he has a load. Maybe got the nose way up and stalled it. Sad. Many of the guys were from Michigan.
6 were from Michigan and the 7th was from Kentucky, thought they were out of Selfridge ANGB near Mt. Clemens Michiga. Said on the radio this morning the thought was that since the plane was carrying 5 armored vehicles, that maybe some of the load was unsecured and shifted causing it to stall in the air like that.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
We have a son, that's stationed in Pensacola, Fla. he spent 6 months there at that base last year. He is a crew chief on a C-130. That just goes to show, that timing is everything.
My thoughts and prayers go out to these men and their families.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Certain threat conditions mandate a different flight pattern which may have put them in a precarious position that their load apparently wasn't able too handle... Load configuration and shifting loads have caused a lot of deaths over the years.... Unfortunately....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well just got off the phone with a buddy of mi e whose son is a boomer from Fairchild AFB Washington and his son is home and safe he was there at Manas AFB Kyrgyzstan the same base I was at back in 03/04 a KC-135 we t down this afternoon with no survivors found so far... Not been a good week for aviators over there this week....



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sad to say it was a Fairchild crew and my buddies son knew them well.... Please keep those families in your thoughts and prayers....