I got home from work and drove around the block too ckeck my canine traps and the were empty. But what I did see was the niehbor shelling corn. So come home smoke up and in the stand by 415. As I watch the combine to my north I hear leaves russle behind me in the woods. I see a yearling standing 45 yards from me. I watch it and I see it has a bum left front leg. It feeds up to me at 20 yards and see it was a button buck. And then I see the left front leg was broke at the knee. So do I or don't I. Then I thought its either the coyotes get him down or I feed the family. So at ten yards I sent one through him. He went 25yrds and it was over. Man I hated shooting a future trophy but I don't believe he would have made it that long. So I hope I done the right thing. But only the deer gods will know, lol:smiley_chinrub: