The preloaded Maps app that comes on the iPhone will work without cell coverage if you preload the maps. When I go places I know I'll be out of cell coverage, I load the maps beforehand. My phone is more accurate than my $400 Garmin and rivals my $1K work unit.
iphone 4S. Love it, except it seems you need to have a charger near by at all times. Between talking all the time and doing emails for work the batteries take a beating.
Very good camera apps out there too! :smiley_coolpeace:
I may be able to help you with your battery life. You might already know this but....double tap your home button. Once you do this you will see app icons. These are apps that are still running. These will slow your phones overall performance down and eat at your battery. Just hold your finger on one until the little minus sign appears. Close all of them out. When I was first showed this....I had like 50 damn apps running at one time! You will be surprised at how much better your phone will perform. Now that I know this....I just make a point to do this a couple times a day. My phone is at 67% as we speak from a full charge this morning at 4:30. So I've only lost 33% of my battery in 18 hours! And I USE IT! It hasn't just been sitting in my pocket all day! Haha!
Thanks for the advice Rut Nut!! That's got to be the problem, I've probably got too many apps still up and running and sucking down the battery.