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Strouds '24 - October 13-20


Active Member
Athens County
Nobody has been looking forward to this week more than I.
But I'm just gonna put this out there - help me work thru this thinking.

Instead of taking October 13-20th and going to Strouds and bear hunting, maybe I ( or we/some of us) should take that time and fill the truck/trailer with relief supplies and head south into TN/NC and try to do some of the work that FEMA isn't doing. Maybe instead of taking this next week to work on hunting gear I should spend that time marshalling stuff that I could take south. Maybe instead of being pissed at our ineffectual government I should put my money (and my precious vacation time) where my mouth is and do something about it.

Maybe I/we should step up.

I'm 3 months from retirement and have the rest of my life to hunt. The people in NC need help now.

Maybe our brotherhood which we celebrate for a week every fall should look outward this year.

How effectual could one guy be? Govt is making it hard for volunteers to help, and is confiscating supplies.
Would my effort even be worth it?

Anybody wanna go with?

Should I be saving my time/effort/resources for what may come to Ohio in the next few months?

Talk me through it.
I got the impression they are only allowing official rescue organizations in, maybe I’m wrong?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I got the impression they are only allowing official rescue organizations in, maybe I’m wrong?
You’re not. There are a lot of organizations that take donations. Will distribute they to the needy areas.
Cool temps are on their way as well. So along with food and water, warmer clothing and things like socks and hand warmers are some of the things to think about.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
It is still currently a shitshow here. Don't take this the wrong way, but you'd likely just be in the way. It is hard for us to get our trucks around and do our work. Plenty of workers here doing what we can. Fuel and DEF is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. I was parked early yesterday as I waited on a tanker coming from Maryland with fuel. The thought is great, but the use of valuable resources might not be worth the effort. I cash donation pot at strouds sounds like a better plan to me. Put it together and donate it to a member that has been effected. I will nominate Gordo as he is trying to house his dad, sisters and family. Not to put his business out there, but he is scrambling to find a rental house to put them all in. I believe it is a total of 3 households trying to live with him starting today. To me, that is how TOO should react and help a brother out. Gordo is wild, but I feel like he would do the same for any of us. Good peoples

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
I can find out about some families for sure. Supplies can still be delivered, it just needs to be coordinated with the local agencies. Our church with another church is taking a truck load of supplies up there today.

I know another group that I went high school with that is on their 3rd trip with truck load of supplies.

@Dannmann801 I think the better plan is later in the year or spring, there is already talk of work teams being lined up over the next 6 months as weather permits.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So I've been talked down off the ledge, so to speak - I appreciate the input from Dave and Clay and J's text -
I"m so spun up because of the desperation of the news coming from NC, and my absolute disgust with the gubmint.
But thinking about it rationally, I'd probably end up going down there and getting arrested, or getting into a situation where I'd be the one in need of help, like Dave said, getting in the way. And I honestly would be just a drop in the bucket. I'll donate now from afar, and do the responsible thing and keep getting ready for whatever is coming to Ohio (and it's coming). Just feeling a little survivors guilt I guess. And look to donate next year like Clay said.

Fuck the media for not covering this properly.
Fuck FEMA for being a bureaucratic nightmare and mess.
FJB and the power for not taking care of Americans, and not letting Americans take care of Americans.
Fuck the people who will profit from misery.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I understand your sentiment dano and I completely get it. It's hard to sit by and watch stuff unfold. Especially whenever we can see with our own eyes that people are not being taken care of by our own government and are suffering. As dave has mentioned , emergency management scenes like those are often pure chaos of coordination. between private and public aid agencies, utility services, road crews, tree crews, private and public search and rescue, that and everybody is completely on guard. There is also Is a great deal of shady people. It's natural human instinct when things happen like this that people turn to survival mode. Things start to get stolen, looted, people begin to get robbed, rapes, and murders. All the addicts are now dope sick. Then theres a whole host of other people looking to take advantage and make money off the storm. Everyone is watching everyone with an eye of skepticism, especially of they're not local. Among all that chaos there is also a great number of heartwarming stories of neighbors helping neighbors and aid deliveries. I'm just trying to say it's a mess and you're likely to get in more trouble than you think trying to give direct aid, or just end up dropping everything off at a collection point.

I would encourage you to look further for those that are forgotten. There are still hundreds of thousands in very rural counties in georgia that are on day 9 without power. This also means that they are likely without water, clean clothes, food, and fuel. These people are often forgotten in storms because they aren't the focus of attention. Ask someone today about Katrina and they will likely think of new orleans, however the mississippi gulf coast took the brunt of the storm and was devastated. Not to minimize the suffering of those in louisiana but mississippi was all but forgotten.

Take a look at this map and find a hard hit county. Call a church and talk to them about the situation and what they may need.

Another option is let the dust settle a little, people will still need help long after fema and every well intended aid agency pulls up tent stakes and leaves town. Recovery takes years and years. There will still be a need but nobody there to help in a few months. It's then tou can likely be most impactful to an individual.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Get up and do something today so I don't have to when I get home! Split some firewood and make some space in the truck for it. That is one less thing I have to do. While at it, do yourself a favor and make sure you have enough supplies on hand if ever needed. You'd be helping me directly right now (because I won't have to load firewood) and you'd be helping yourself by being better prepared. That's a lot of help for a small effort. I'm tired AF! Day 13 for me doing 16s and I feel it!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Get up and do something today so I don't have to when I get home! Split some firewood and make some space in the truck for it. That is one less thing I have to do. While at it, do yourself a favor and make sure you have enough supplies on hand if ever needed. You'd be helping me directly right now (because I won't have to load firewood) and you'd be helping yourself by being better prepared. That's a lot of help for a small effort. I'm tired AF! Day 13 for me doing 16s and I feel it!!!
I got wood
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Active Member
Salesville ohio
Nobody has been looking forward to this week more than I.
But I'm just gonna put this out there - help me work thru this thinking.

Instead of taking October 13-20th and going to Strouds and bear hunting, maybe I ( or we/some of us) should take that time and fill the truck/trailer with relief supplies and head south into TN/NC and try to do some of the work that FEMA isn't doing. Maybe instead of taking this next week to work on hunting gear I should spend that time marshalling stuff that I could take south. Maybe instead of being pissed at our ineffectual government I should put my money (and my precious vacation time) where my mouth is and do something about it.

Maybe I/we should step up.

I'm 3 months from retirement and have the rest of my life to hunt. The people in NC need help now.

Maybe our brotherhood which we celebrate for a week every fall should look outward this year.

How effectual could one guy be? Govt is making it hard for volunteers to help, and is confiscating supplies.
Would my effort even be worth it?

Anybody wanna go with?

Should I be saving my time/effort/resources for what may come to Ohio in the next few months?

Talk me through it.
I’d be down to meet up with you all and go. I have a truck and a 26ft enclosed I can fill full of stuff. I’d be available towards the latter part of that week!