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The farm i primarily turkey hunt on is confusing me and looking for some advice.

Youth hunt weekend two gobblers were seen together both days crossing a ridgeline in one of the farm fields near the crest of a hill. This makes sense because turkeys traditionally have roosted in the woods next to that field. They never responded to any calls all weekend. They looked towards the decoys and calling but never altered their path and no morning gobbling from the roost.

Monday I was set up to intercept them before they got into the next woods. Heard no gobbling and saw one hen that i fired up with my calling. Midmorning I set up in another place where birds frequently (traditionally) are seen strutting in late morning. I then walked around and glassed all the fields I could see easily covering over 2-300+ acres of fields and woods. Never got a response to any call.

I had my brotherinlaw set a blind up at the edge of the woods at the ridgeline where they were seen last weekend. Any suggestions on hunting birds that dont talk? I am going to set up in that blind in the AM with my son. I am just out of ideas.


Senior Member
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South East Ohio
Sleep in till 9 then hunt from 10-12. It's a crap shoot with these critters with brains the size of pea's.... Good luck and remember that its a long season and its just the first week.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Spoke to another local Hunter, he has heard no gobbling until this AM, and has found a little over 100 grey morels. I only have a few more days this season I will be able to hunt so I am not sleeping in intentionally.


spencerville oh
They seem too be a little late this year to me. The couple flocks I've been watching just broke up this week. Between the wind and cold temps I think things will only get better in the weeks to come.