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The right compound for me

Right now, I shoot a Bear Apprentice. Its old and its a POS. I promised myself I would put a nice buck on the ground with it before I dropped some big dollars on a bow... but...I'm gettin' antsy. Been to the bow shop 3 times this week. I need one that's 40-50#. And 26 draw. From my fellow female archers, what do you shoot, and what do you recommend?? I'm considering Mission Craze by Mathews and Vixen by Hoyt. Just some thoughts, ppplease?!


Tatonka guide.
Ive shot the infinite edge and mission craze and they are both pretty sweet little bows. Im a fan of both but do not get a package bow because the accesories are junk.


Staff member
My wife has a Mathews Mustang which was the ladies model way back when. It is a sweet shooter as very all Mathews bows are. The Diamond Infinite Edge is another sweet bow. And while I have never been a Hoyt man, after shooting with my buddy this weekend, I may have changed my mind a bit. That being said, the best thing you can do is shoot them all and buy the one that feels best. Archery is all about feel.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
But I'm open to trying any bow really. So many choices!!

That is actually the best advice there is. Shoot as many as you can get your hands on. The only way to find out which one is best for you is to shoot them all.
There is nothing wrong with buying a new bow if you are not confident with the one you have. Confidence in our equipment and proficiency with it are one of the few thing we have control of in bowhunting. All the bows you are looking at are great bows. Since you are looking at a 40-50 pound limb and you don't have a super short draw length I would recommend looking at bows "meant for men" too. Women's hunting bows are designed to fit short draw length and shooters that need a lower poundage bow. All that adjust ability comes at the cost of speed and its a marketing thing by manufactures. For example you could look at a hoyt spyder 30 with a 40-50 pound limb and 26 inch draw length. Its going to be faster than a the women's bows because it has a more efficient cam and limbs.
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