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The Book Thread


Supporting Member
Ross County
The story on how the following book came to my attention a long time ago.

During the 90’s, I was a corporate ‘Regional Technical Manager’ for one of the largest international healthcare businesses of the world (a fortune 100 organization).

A few of my responsibilities at the time included, but never limited to any single one exclusively was;
  • Daily Information Technology Operations,
  • System Implementations,
  • Security Integrity,
  • Service & Product Contracts,
  • Regulatory Audits,
  • Client & Corporate Reports,
  • Client & Corporate Tours,
  • Project Presentations,
  • Budgets for Information Technology, Facilities and Security
  • Hiring staff, training, etc, etc, etc,,
for thirteen state-of-art automated facilities strategically located throughout the United States that serviced over a million customers per week.

Each location included a ‘Management Information Service Manager’, ‘Facility Manager’ and ‘Security Manager’ that reported to me directly. Each manager would have a supporting staff of approximately 10-20 personnel depending on facility size and the number of in-house employees.

The largest facility of operations with approximately 2,200 in-house employees that serviced roughly 300 thousand customers per week went on strike in the middle of a contract negotiation (a work stoppage was declared).

I was quickly tasked by corporate senior management at the time to do whatever I needed to do to ensure that customers were not impacted negatively by the work stoppage and I quote, "You have an unlimited money budget”, per the president of the organization at that time.

The following 120 days, I was the head logistics coordinator of operations in charge.

One of the first things that I did, I hired a top-notch corporate security team out of the northwest region of the country.

A 40-member security team comprised of former military, police, S.W.A.T., federal marshals and security guards on & offsite 24/7 until further notice.

Each security team member was managed and directed by a former USAF Staff Sergeant - Bryan Stockdale, who did several secret military tours before and during the Vietnam War, which I didn’t know at the time of hire.

My work team/staff was successful managing the organization’s longest work stoppage ever in history with no significant issue of any kind and/or loss of service to customers and clients.

Bryan and his crew of professionals was key in protecting not only the facility, but several employees and their family’s around the clock until the work stoppage was completely over with four months later.

Sure, I received death threats at the time, along with others within the organization, however I, my staff, or family members was ever confronted with any hostile and/or physical threat during the entire strike.

When it came time for Bryan and his crew to pack up and head home, surprisingly, he gave me his business card that had all of his contact information along with a book that he helped co-wrote called,

‘SOG’ – The Secret Wars of America’s Commandos in Vietnam.

He wrote a very kind message within the book.

SOG 1.jpg

When I contracted the outside corporate security team initially, I really didn’t have a full understanding of Bryan’s complete background at the time other than I knew it was military in nature. It wasn’t until months later when I got around to reading his book that I truly understood and appreciated his expertise, knowledge and professionalism.

I felt honored and privileged to have worked with him and his crew after the fact.

It was an experience that I will never forget!

SOG 2.jpg

So I’d recommend the book to anyone who’s interested in some of our country’s military missions just prior to the Vietnam War and throughout.

SOC 3.jpg

P.S. – Full disclosure: Additional reason why I am suggesting the SOG book.

I just started reading a newly published book which reminded me of the SOG book. The new book is tough read and hard to image in these current times. I will debate whether it is worthy to share in the near future.


Here are 2 books i enjoyed. One about poaching in the commercial fishing industry and the other about finding and recovering a shipwreck


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*Supporting Member*
Ok all, I wanted to share a few books I have read over the past year that I think you all may enjoy. I have quite the eclectic variety of topics, so just skim over the ones you might not be interested in reading.

1. The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham. My take - this is absolute must read for anyone in business or who has any interest in value investing. This is NOT a "get rich quick book". This is a book that is based on sound investment advice that has been used for 50+ years. Warren Buffet has been quoted saying this book is his favorite (or something like that). Even if you are not interested in the stock market, I feel this book highlights some key business lessons that everyone will enjoy.

2. The Frontiersman - Allan Eckert - another absolute must read. Takes place in S. Ohio, in some of the same areas that many forum members call home. This book is historically accurate and goes all through the life of Simon Kenton. Extremely eye opening, and insightful about the respect and hatred that occurred simultaneously between settlers and Native American's like Tecumseh.

3. A Soil Owners Manual - Jon Stika - if you are interested in soil health and getting a stronger understanding of the symbiotic relationship between plant and soil, read this book!

4. Dirt to Soil - Gabe Brown - This is similar to four but a bit more in-depth. Gabe Brown is a famous regen ag farmer from South Dakota. They avg. 16inch of rain a year, yet he has become one of the most successful farmers in the area, if not the US. He speaks to the science behind regen ag, the benefits of grazing cattle in a systematic approach to benefit soil, etc.

5. The Soil Will Save Us - Kristin Ohlson - again similar concepts to the ones above. She interviews a few farmers that are using REGEN AG in very arid climates around the world. She also talks to a PHD from THE Ohio State U. that has done tremendous studies so show the benefits of REGEN AG, the carob sequestration that occurs through cover crops, top soil retention, etc.

6. Relevant Selling - Jaynie Smith - if you are in sales, worth read. Very easy read and I think all business minded folks will get a solid takeaway from it.

7. Trailblazer - Marc Benioff - Good book, he is founder and CEO of Salesforce CRM system - more interesting from the conceptual leader side of things and how he structured the business to ensure growth and employee happiness. There are parts I could do without in this book but a nice read overall.

8. Good to Great - Jim Collins - Do you have the right people on the bus? This is a classic business minded book but can really be used anywhere that team work is involved. They work through various business cases that really allow the reader to understand the various dynamics of varying businesses.

9. A Sand County Almanac - Aldo Leupold - Aldo is known as the father of modern conservation. A short and easy read. He writes in a way that is difficult to articulate, but extremely descriptive and gripping. I suggest this read if you enjoy the outdoors......that means yall, read this!

10. Principals Ray Dalio - another life/investment book. I honestly didn't love it. Felt fluffy to me. It has great reviews and Ray is one of the most successful hedge fund managers of all time. If you are into that type of information, worth the read. Just not on the top of my list.

11. Strategic Harvest Systems - PHD. Bronson Strickland - FANTASTIC READ! This is from the MSU deer lab, down in @Jackalope area now. MSU deer lab is one of, if not THE, best deer study university in the USA. This book talks about the intense harvesting that can take place of all age bucks, to make room for more nutrition availability on the landscape for the best 1/3 of each cohort. This of course is only achievable when doe numbers are in check and habitat as near it's peak. This book also dives into epigentic triggers and how that can impact whitetails potential. @bowhunter1023 if there is one guy here who I believe will love this one, it is you.

12. Journey into Darkness - John Douglas - very dark book about the gentleman who helped to start the behavioral science division of the FBI. Mostly tracking down serial killers. Although dark, the book lends itself to be a mind stretcher, I found myself enamored with trying to understand the phycological patterns these SOBS showed. Also trying to link it, at times, to their up-bringing and how those societal effects did or did not have impact on this sociopath's development.

Ok those are at least the ones worth noting for now! Let me know if you all have questions.



Supporting Member
Ross County
Here's a book that I was not familiar with until recently. I wished to share it with you all because I believe it is relevant to the what is happening in our nation currently and has been in the works for quite some time. I want everyone to know that I love our country and those within it that believe in what our country was founded on, the principles in witch our founding fathers originally established within our bill of rights and the constitution of the Untied States of America.

*** The first article of information is a brief overview, a video about the book and it was presented to the congress decades ago.

*** The second article is a list of the communists goals

*** And the third article is where, if you wish, is a internet hyperlink to download the book for free.

*** Finally, the #2 book for sale right now on Amazon is '1984' by George Orwell. I have that book along with 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley. I've read both of them a couple of times. Two other books that I strongly recommend to anyone. I would be more than happy to share my copies with anyone whom wishes to read them, and then return them to me afterwards.

That's it from me today.

Have a great day and be safe out there!

This particular message deals with a book written by Cleon Skousen, a former member of the FBI, back in 1958 and shows the communist plan to overthrow the United States.​

This is the first part on the scary truth that America is falling into the communist mind set more and more each month.

Communist Goals (1963) From “The Naked Communist,” by Cleon Skousen​

On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” These principles are well worth revisiting today in order to gain insights into the thinking and strategies of much of our so-called liberal elite:


The Naked Communist : W. Cleon Skousen : Free Download ...

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
@5Cent turned me onto this one. I finished it last week and it was a great book. I highly recommend it. I’ve always liked Matthew McConaughey... Dazed and Confused has always been one of my favorite movies, and I’ve always liked his style of speaking/presenting. This was a very encouraging and influential book for personal introspection. But also very interesting hearing about his journey through life. The audiobook is excellent because it’s narrated by McConaughey.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
@5Cent turned me onto this one. I finished it last week and it was a great book. I highly recommend it. I’ve always liked Matthew McConaughey... Dazed and Confused has always been one of my favorite movies, and I’ve always liked his style of speaking/presenting. This was a very encouraging and influential book for personal introspection. But also very interesting hearing about his journey through life. The audiobook is excellent because it’s narrated by McConaughey.
View attachment 119249

Thanks for the feedback on this one. It came up in my recommended on Audible and I have a couple credits to burn.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
This has been a favorite of mine for a few years. I own the hard copy, but lent it to someone and I don't know where it is currently.


Now it's an audiobook......no fucks given.

Do you find yourself giving to many fucks? Well, read or listen to this fucking book and hone your fuck-giving skills. Learn how to reserve your fucks for only the most fuckworthy things in your life. I can promise you, LOTS of people need to break the cycle from hell that social media has created. Enjoy!


*Supporting Member*
This has been a favorite of mine for a few years. I own the hard copy, but lent it to someone and I don't know where it is currently.

View attachment 119887

Now it's an audiobook......no fucks given.

Do you find yourself giving to many fucks? Well, read or listen to this fucking book and hone your fuck-giving skills. Learn how to reserve your fucks for only the most fuckworthy things in your life. I can promise you, LOTS of people need to break the cycle from hell that social media has created. Enjoy!

I had to start this, as I am a person who often gives way to many F***s!! I started the audio version yesterday as I am reading another book currently - I am about 1/4 way through already and it is great!! Thank you for recommendation.


*Supporting Member*
Just finished Tony Robbins "Money - Master the Game, 7 simple steps to financial freedom"

Welp, that was a LONG book. I enjoyed the middle to end far more than the start. Tony is somewhat of a "ra ra" type of guy, which isn't exactly my typical reading material. My favorite part of the book is when Tony interviews major investors (Ray Dalio, Lady who is setup to become CEO of JP Morgan, guy who controls investments for Yale endowment fund, etc.) for their input markets, portfolio diversification, and more.

Worth a read or listen via audio book if you want to learn or confirm your investment strategies are sound - IMO.


*Supporting Member*
This has been a favorite of mine for a few years. I own the hard copy, but lent it to someone and I don't know where it is currently.

View attachment 119887

Now it's an audiobook......no fucks given.

Do you find yourself giving to many fucks? Well, read or listen to this fucking book and hone your fuck-giving skills. Learn how to reserve your fucks for only the most fuckworthy things in your life. I can promise you, LOTS of people need to break the cycle from hell that social media has created. Enjoy!

finished this audio book - fantastic!!

I love the ideas in this book, so many are such common sense yet easily overlooked.

Top takeaways

VCR questions - my goodness why do we do this?

Understanding our value and the values we assign to parts of our life and how it’s important to align our values with our true goals in life.

The important of legacy and the fact that our society today is focused on highlighting extraordinary people, many of whom are no more extraordinary than you or I. Death is inevitable in this life, so we must combat our fear of death, with the embracing our finality by doing things that are meaningful and lasting.

There was a lot more but this was a good summary for me - I might even review cliff notes on it again just to refresh my brain from time to time.

Thanks for recommending!!



*Supporting Member*

Read this short book tonight. Working on a few others as well.

This is about 40-50pgs of text and then some great graphs/notes/quick-reference guides.

Worth keeping in a truck, atv, or tractor.


*Supporting Member*
Just finished “leaders eat last”. Simon Sinek.

very good book
Business focused
Let’s the reader understand the “whys” behind how we as people function
Dives into the 4 key chemicals in our body that trigger emotional,survival, and addictions.
Discusses the how’s and why’s we are all technology addicts and how our generations formed us.

Overall - a great book and one I believe you’ll enjoy.


*Supporting Member*
Just finished an audiobook.
“Hero of the Empire”

Fascinating book about Winston Churchill and his early life as a soldier and as a field journalist during the Boer War. I had zero knowledge of this war previous to reading this book. Winston Churchill was always inspiring to me as some of the W2 stuff I have read. He looked Hitler right in the face and said “bring it”, ok maybe not exactly that but some version thereof. He was a funny, intelligent, and a driven person. Learning about his early life and events that transformed him was very interesting.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I’m currently about 2/3 of the way through this one... Empire of the Summer Moon. It is excellent so far. Both fascinating and utterly disturbing at the same time. Comanche Indians were some of the most wicked, cruel, and savage native Americans on the continent. I highly recommend this book to anyone who gets their rocks off on some history, especially pre-civil war history.
