I haven't been out hunting at all this year because of working on the bar so I didn't know what was going on with the deer on the farm. My buddy has been hunting the north side of the property and he has killed a doe but said he hasn't seen a good buck all year even on cam.
Evan called me last week and said he was taking his hunter safety course on the 20th so he would be able to hunt the youth season this year, so me being a good uncle lol I went out and set up a cam close to the double stand to see if we had deer movin in that area, I went out friday to grab the card and found a few real fresh scrapes about 10 yds apart and an 8" maple tree tore up. I went to grab the card and figured out that I didn't turn the cam on lol so I didn't know what was makin the scrapes.
My brother is a fire captain in Tiffin and raises cattle and builds houses so he is usually pretty busy so I was tickled to death he could take Evan on his first deer hunt (he went with me last year but didn't carry a gun). Except for a few yotes my brother has killed he hasn't hunted much the last 10 years.
I had them meet me at the farm at 6:30, I drew a map for my brother to show where the deer come from and a few trails that had fresh sign and where the scrapes were. I took them back to the stand and I headed home.
I sent a text to my brother at 8:50 and asked how things were goin, he said it was beautiful out but didn't see anything yet except squirrels and call me a dirty name for not thinning them out lol. Ten mins later he text me and said he heard 3 shots to the north on the next property. 15 mins later he called me and said Evan shot a buck!
I told him to sit tight til I get there and jumped in the truck and drove back on the lane to the woods, I walked up to the stand and Evan was standing up with his arms in the air lol, I asked my brother if the shot was good and he said he thought it was. He climbed down and told me a doe came in from the south and he told Evan to get ready but Evan told him uncle Carl said there might be a buck coming behind a doe lol and my brother told him to shoot when it stops lol.
He said the doe wouldn't stop but she wasn't movin that fast and a few second later he caught the buck coming behind her , he said he looked like a coon dog on a trail.
The buck went right to the spot I put an x on his map and stopped broadside at 30 yds and Evan shot.
So after making Evan wait a hour we walked over to where he shot and there wasn't a spec of blood UGGGG, I followed his tracks about 15 yds and found a drop of blood, looked like lung blood, I was happy again lol. He hit it a little high but I found the buck about 90 yds from where he shot it.
Evan ran up to the buck and grabbed it and turned to my brother and said happy birthday dad (I'm a bad brother forgot it was his b-day lol)
Happy bro and nephew
Very fat neck
Happy I didn't have to drag, and check out those expensive huntin pants lol