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Walmart stampede


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
A Wal-Mart worker died early Friday after an "out-of-control" mob of frenzied shoppers smashed through the Long Island store's front doors and trampled him, police said.
The Black Friday stampede plunged the Valley Stream outlet into chaos, knocking several employees to the ground and sending others scurrying atop vending machines to avoid the horde.
When the madness ended, 34-year-old Jdimytai Damour was dead and four shoppers, including a woman eight months pregnant, were injured.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york...riday-stampede-article-1.334059#ixzz2m5Bsi3w5

Pics of the crowd, why am I not surprised?
No matter...old story or new, the absolute madness of people shopping like there's no tomorrow for the purchase of an inanimate object, has no merit. Forsaking other people's lives for such insignificant things, is a loss of sanity. Trampling others like it was food that they had to have for their families.

I've been on my way to go hunting in the pre-dawn hours and have witnessed a mother standing in a line over 100 yards long, outside a Walmart (about 35 degrees), with a baby in a stroller. There's a person that should be horse whipped back to her home...without the child.

I seen a guy go inside a Walmart and purchase an entire pallet of DVD players, for $29.95 EA. and have them delivered to the front sidewalk, just to the side of the entrance of the store. Then promptly start selling them for $49.95...cash and he sold everyone of them, as fast as he could hand them out.

Grown adults fighting over a toy for their kids, in a "tug-o-war" battle, for something that there's 20 or 30 of sitting on the shelf. Nuts!

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*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Think this is how jesus would like to see his birthday celebrated?

I despise what christmas has become. I truly appreciate the sentiment of the holiday. But that has been swallowed by the retail machine that we live in now. I know a person that is an atiest. But he still puts up the tree, I asked him why he celebrates christmas even though he doesnt believe in christ, He said "because I like presents" Fuggin humbug.