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Website opinions


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
I've been working on this website for the Centerburg Conservation Club and wanted some feedback. First of all, I have no idea wtf I'm doing! I've been messing around with GoDaddy's "website builder" and getting everything switched over from the guy that was doing our website. We have now had two people that offered to do the website and both sort of quit after awhile so this will be our third website. I did not want this project but ended up with it anyway.

This is the old one: http://centerburgconservationclub.org/

And the one I'm working on: http://centerburgconservationclub.com/

For now they are both up and live. I want to work on the second one (.com) for awhile and then when I feel like it's done either address will take you to the new site.

Any feedback would be appreciated if someone is bored and willing to spend a few minutes comparing the two. I'm still working on the individual pages. The "CCW" page is done for the most part and I probably will not change the home page too much but the rest are still kind of a work in progress.


Our membership chairman is supposed to be doing the photo gallery and membership page.
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