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Your buddy’s hunt


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
As I was staring off into the woods I often think of memories of hunts. Today I realized that most of my favorite memories and stories aren’t even of me killing deer. The one that sticks out to me today I wasn’t even involved.

I couldn’t get vacation for all of gun season, I had opening day and the weekend. Dad came down to hunt and I was basically pointing at maps telling him what to do. Tuesday evening I get a text while I’m at work “buck shot, can’t find him”. My stomach turns and I try and talk him into walking out. His freaking phone died!

Now I’m tripping not knowing what the hells going on or if he’s even on the property anymore. @Redneckfucker isnt at work, so I get ahold of him and send him to my house. Luckily, dad ended up back at my house to charge his phone and grab lights.

I talk to him and feel confident he made a kill shot, they just need to find the deer. I also get ahold of the neighbor and get permission for them to cross the line if needed. PowerBelt has never failed him, but I was a little shaken about this one. He had very little blood and he’s not the best at tracking. I had been trying to teach Michael everything I’ve ever known about tracking and he told me he could do it.

So off they went. Me blowing up their phones every few seconds wanting pics of blood and everything else. It didn’t take real long and Michael found the deer! Dad tackled him he was so excited. Biggest buck he has ever killed! Dad is 100% meat hunter and always has been.

I felt like I had done it, I had finally repaid him just a little for getting me into this. I had put him on a good buck and got him a trophy. I was so freaking happy and excited! Wasn’t my deer, wasn’t my story, but I was STOKED!!!!

Next day or two he killed a nice mature doe as well. Saturday we butchered deer and partied like a bunch of college kids. Good times! I hope michael has a couple of pics, because I don’t.

How about you guys? Share a story of a hunt that someone else killed something and it made you crazy proud and happy.


Junior Member
Greene county
The memories made that day will be ones never forgotten never been hugged so hard in my life!!


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Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
How about you guys? Share a story of a hunt that someone else killed something and it made you crazy proud and happy.

This thread has the potential to get real good. I’ve had the good fortune to be involved in many great hunts for both turkeys and deer. I used to kill some great bucks too but for me this is easy. The best hunts I have been on have been with my kids and the most memorable are their first bucks.
Tyler’s first buck/deer was when he was 10 with a crossbow. I didn’t let my kids deer hunt until they were 10 because I wanted them to fully understand what they were doing and carry their own weapon. We had been bow hunting many times and things just weren’t coming together. Then we tried a quick evening hunt. 5 minutes after we sat down on the ground I heard something walking. He immediately saw it and said “its a good one”. It walked right to us. At 27 yards I asked if he was on it. He said yes and I said then shoot it! 30 yards later it piled up. That was the most jacked up I have ever been in my life.

Carissa’s first buck was her third deer. She was 11. We had hunted that morning for youth season but she had cheer practice in the afternoon. She was getting ready and my BIL called and said there was a big buck with a doe in the honeysuckle behind his house. We grabbed her gear and cheer stuff and flew to his place. We had about 5 minutes before she had to go. I decided to walk right at the thicket. We got within 10 yards and The doe took off. Then the buck grunted. The doe ran across a 4 wheeler trail. I told her to get ready. She dropped to a knee and pulled the gun up. Then he stepped out and stopped, looking right at her. I said OMG shoot!!!! She pulled the trigger, it took off, she went to cheer and Tyler and I retrieved the deer. 153”


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Year before last my phone rang on my commute home the night before ML season. It was our fellow @OhioWhiteTails and he had a solid buzz going already. Talking away and calling me names we got onto the weekend plans for hunting. I had a plan, he didn’t. I told him to become part of my plans and invited him to come along. After some more ribbing back and forth he asked if I was serious. Hell yes I am! So we hung up and he called his wife to beg for permission. The rest is history. And he’s already told his story on here before, but now I’m gonna tell it from my view.

First thing is me sitting in a driveway watching the sun come up because he’s late. I’m hearing neighboring gunshots and this dude still hasn’t arrived. (Come to find out later, this is a pattern with him) It felt like an hour went by but I think he was only 15-20 minutes late. Pulls in and gets outa the truck like we are gonna catch up on old times. No way, get your shit pale, it’s go time.

He gets his gun loaded, clothes changed and I’m still making fun of him. I wasn’t worried as I knew the property real well and knew a low impact spot we could sneak into, but it was fun to give him crap. Anyways, we sneak down the road and down the hill. I spot deer right away and just kind of keep pace with them working our way down this hill.

Deer get out ahead of us a little ways and I just start telling stories of hunts I’ve had in this spot. He ain’t saying much and I’m pretty sure he was just thinking I needed to shut up before I ran the deer off. Bam, there’s some deer. Couple of nice does and some smaller ones. I wasn’t real interested in shooting one and let them work around us. Thinking maybe I’ll shoot one when it gets to the other side of the ravine. That would ensure that they got past us enough to run right at the property owner and my dad. I turn around and look back up the hill and another one starts coming across.

One of the cutest little deer you ever did see. I decide I’m done playing and I’m gonna drop her little ass. About 100 yard shot but pretty clear and I’m on my shooting stick. BOOM! Shot fired and I heard it hit a tree or something hard. Big smoke cloud and Nate’s nose sucked up every bit of that smoke. You could see the smell of gunpowder hit his brain and he was suddenly in kill mode.

This deer comes directly at us! Bleating with every step. I had my shooting stick to Nate and he steadys up. I’m ready to jump on this deer if he waits any longer. Finally I say “shoot that damn thing” his reply “I could shoot her in the face from this distance” “betcha won’t!” 😂 BOOOOOOMMM! I watch her head flop and it’s all over. I start singing grandads gun.

Because I knew the history of the gun he was carrying. He was carrying his mentors gun that day. First time it had seen daylight in some time. It was perfect! The story, the memory, how it all happened and what it happened with was all PERFECT! I think we even made it to town in time to open up The Skull with @Gordo
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
The story of my comment about “the lucky hunter”.

It might of been my first or second year in our house and I had the trail cam bug bad. Real bad. I was checking cards daily and let the deer pattern me. Carry half a 5 gallon bucket on the quad with me and the deer would just let me ride on by.

Had 3 does with 6 fawns on cam minutes after I left every day. With a little basket rack always in the background. Knowing the rut was coming and I was in my trophy stage of hunting, I asked the wife if she wanted to shoot it one day. She kinda shrugged her shoulders but was on board with the break from the kids. I’m pretty sure all she was thinking about was a book and peace. Lol, whatever, I was gonna stick her in a stand.

So that’s what I did. Took the quad out with my half bucket of feed, swapped cards and got her up in the tree. Deer let me ride past them in their beds as I left. I was cheesy knowing it was about to happen. I’m not even off the quad and she sends me a pic of the fawns eating. 15 minutes later she’s walking up the yard with zero expression. Wtf woman? Gotta pee or what? Then I noticed the crossbow was no longer cocked...first thought was she missed. Because of the lack of excitement.

“This is stupid, do your waiting or whatever and go find the deer”

What?!!! I was jacked and pounder her with questions. Come to find out she had to wait for “the big one” to move so she could shoot the one I wanted her to. She let a 14 point walk...to shoot a 7 point 1.5 year old. Months of prep, hours upon hours, derivation that I’ve never done before was shot down and called luck. What we do as hunters is all luck and stupid easy. All you do is go sit in a tree and shoot the one you want. 😂

Even after this year she called me a lucky hunter and what I do doesn’t take any skill. I just walk out and kill deer. SMH

I thought I had a pic on my phone, I can’t find it. Must of been on FB where I seen it recently=no workie


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
This years buddy hunt memory would have to be the gun season with @Redneckfucker and @Quantum673

That was a good morning. Michael showed up at my house on time and Jon slept his happy ass in. Something he claimed couldn't happen😂. Michael and I let a bunch of deer walk past us in the truck that morning as we waited for Jon. Sipping our morning drinks and staying warm with the heater on. The deer never pay the truck any attention. (Loud ass straight pipe diesel sitting there with the lights on.)

Finally Jon shows up and is all sorts of fired up to get moving. Nope, you just calm down, I've got a plan. 10 AM seems to be the perfect time for "the big field" to wake up. Something about that time the deer get out of bed and move around a bit. So as long as you don't bump them before that, the field comes alive @10. So we waited till around 9 before getting out of the truck. Meandered down and all 3 off us stood next to eachother on a fence line.

Like clockwork, 10 hit and we had deer moving. By 10:01, shoots had been fired. By 10:30 Jon boy got to gut all of our deer for us😂

I don't know if you guys know this or not, but antlers are growing and tasty treats are falling out of does right now! Any of you accompany any buddies on hunts? My boys hunts were also special, but this one was TOO special. 😂🖕🏿