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Startin over tomorrow


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Awesome news Tad.... Glad you made it home for the Memorial Day weekend....

I am too J. , the wife said she is really going to watch my alcohol intake this weekend, said I am wobbly enough with the walker all on my own! Probably just sit back and chill and enjoy being catered too for the weekend, (don't let the old lady hear that or it will come to a screeching halt)


Senior Member
I think you should just tell the wife that she will know exactly how much alcohol you have if she is the one who keeps bringing them to ya! Kill two birds with one stone that way. ;)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Amazing good attitude! Glad you're doing well, and it's amazing what doctor s can do. 50 yrs ago you would have been out of luck


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Amazing good attitude! Glad you're doing well, and it's amazing what doctor s can do. 50 yrs ago you would have been out of luck

Thanks Dan, the positive attitude comes easy when you have great support around you, not only at home but on here TOO, it really helps! Hell ten years ago I would of been out of luck, they wanted you to wait till at least 50 years old before having a hip replacement due to the life expectancy of it , now with technological advancements and better surgical procedures the Dr. said they should last me at least 30 years and probably longer if I take care of them.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Glad all went well & you're home for the long weekend Tad!! Keep taking care of yourself buddy. :smiley_cheers:


Senior Member
I was pming with Tad and he asked me to pass the news along to all you guys for him. Things have taken a turn for the worse for him with his hip. He is at OSU right now because he developed an infection and they had to go in and open his hip back up and clean it all out. They had to put drains in his hip and he is having a pick line installed today so he can get I.V. antibiotics for the next six weeks. He said he is in a lot of pain right now and is just completely wore out from all he has gone through in the last few days. He is also very worried because the doctors at OSU are giving him a 50/50 chance of actually keeping the hip. Sure sounds like he could use our support right now and out thoughts and prayers.


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Well got some sleep this morning finally, thank you Don for letting everyone know what's going on. I have developed an infection in my hip, the surgeon here at OSU said it appeared that the infection had started from day one but just showed itself when the hip started seaping, they opened everything back up, cleaned everything, cleaned the hip appliance, put a powder antibiotic in it, installed a suction drain and left part of the incision open to help with the draining process. The infectious disease doctors came in this afternoon and spoke with me and the wife, they know that the infection was staph, but are waiting for the cultures to grow so they know the exact type so they can treat it with a certain type of antibiotics. They said they will be installing a pick line tomorrow because I will be on antibiotics for 6 to 8 weeks and then I will be on oral antibiotics for the rest of my life. They are telling us that with staph that it can be suppressed but if you stop the antibiotics there is a very high chance that the hip will become infected again, if that happens then they will remove the hip completely place what they call a block in there, I will be bedridden with no hip for 6 to 8 weeks while I receive antibiotics to completely kill the infection then have a whole new hip installed. They said that is a last resort and expect the infection to respond to the antibiotics and once suppressed maintain the suppressed infection with oral antibiotics. I am really bummed out right now, things were going so good up until this point and it went to hell almost overnight it seems. It is going to be something that I am gonna have to deal with the rest of my life now it seems. We just hope that the antibiotics work and I can retain this implant, if they have to remove it and replace it the second implant usually doesn't do as well as the original as far as fit and function is concerned, that it why they would rather have me take the antibiotics for life . right now I am just tired, worried, and in a lot of pain. Looks like I will be here at OSU until at least Monday.


Senior Member
Hang in there buddy, you're gonna beat this thing and it will all just be a memory before ya know it. I know things seem pretty shi--y and I ain't gonna blow smoke up your chimney, you're right, they aren't great and you know that. But positive attitude can go a long way in times like these and I can look back in this very thread and read quite a few posts that talk over and over about your great attitude. Ya need to get that back and lean a lot on friends,family, and most of all the good Lord above. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and don't forget you're a tough old bird and its gonna take a lot more than this to keep ya out of the woods come this fall. Take care and get well buddy!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Son of gun that's a tough one Tad, but at least they've got it figured out, and have a path for treatment. Could've been worse, and you'll be back up on your feet and on the mend in no time. Keep a positive attitude and spirit toward just getting better and back outdoors. That'll help push you past this bump in the road. We're all here for ya TOO!!