Hey turkey hunters! I've been out scouting the last few weeks and glad to say I've been seeing a lot of birds! Hope y'all are too

How much of an increase in licenses in Kentucky this season?not many birds in my area but my brothers and i are going to Tennessee for opening weekend april 11th then heading to the farm in Kentucky that Wednesday to hunt until the weekend. we havent been to Tennessee for a few years and my buddy moved so we will be hunting new areas and alot of public. he lives next to the north Cumberland wma now so were gonna check it out 200k acres across 5 counties we should be able to get on something in there i would think.
went up 10$How much of an increase in licenses in Kentucky this season?
Glad it’s going to someone who’s gonna kill some birds with it! Good luck this year!I got a new to me Winchester SXP 20 ga off of @Smawgunner2 a couple months ago and topped it with a Vortex Sparc. I shot it last week with my go to Winchester XX #5 and wasn’t pleased with the patterns. Picked up some Longbeard XR #6 and that was the ticket. It patterned great with the factory choke at 20, 30, and 40 yds. I had picked up a Carlson’s Longbeard XR choke as well but didn’t even try it as I was super pleased with the factory setup.
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